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Down With Fads

MT Zehvor


While we here at Boxtus Arena(that would be me, myself, and Mecha) have begun our resistance against the mods 1994 movie fad, it would appear that another more annoying one is already here to take it's place.


It begins


Anyways, while the anti 1994 video movement has already begun, we need people to stand up to this new incredibly strange fad started by "The Brain." Whatever that means. I have a sneaking suspicion it has something to do with Mother Brain but that's probably just paranoia. Anyways, Arby, Mesonak, QQQQ or whatever he's called now, Dariux, and a few others have already joined. So here starts our stand against two fads. The 1994 movies one and the "Legion of the Brain" fad.







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Yu cant kill me.


The power of Spaegefefrwewr will prevail.winz




-Mesonak (Spaegefefrwewr)

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Yeah, well, the power of editing seems to have defeated you pretty well, so...


Yes, everyone is welcome to help. Down with fads!



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Er, threats? Do you really think that anyone is going to slam you into a wall and say "stop or get beaten up?" That's what I thought. Besides, you yourself are supposed to be one big joke, now let us have one without acting like we're Nazi Germany trying to destroy your fun.



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meso yure not makking any sense

o and i forgot that thae pasta told me to tell mt that i was told by it that i have to mak a snadwich of pickles and socks but not old socks they hav to be new ok

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Fading away? I meen sure it's not growing but we have tons of ppl on the BZPC who just can't change their name. So yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Also in other news I have a girfriend. =D



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