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Fuwa, Fuwa, Fururi...




admit that song is beautiful <3

So the weekend was crazy awesome. We arrived at the camp lodge upstate sometime at seven (?) and had introductions, orientation, and pizza. We settled in, all that lazy stuff.

Next day we did some "low ropes," which are team-building activities. For one, there was a tire suspended by rope between two trees and we had to get all the team members to the other side of the tire in a certain time. It was fun being lifted.
Another one was a huge, smooth wall, and we had to get the team members to the top of the platform, where three at a time would stay and help the others up. Big boys lifted people up from the bottom, and some people up top pulled them up (camp staff helped with lifting the first few). We didn't finished, so I have no idea what the last people would have done. =P

The next day, Sunday, we did the "high ropes," the extreme stuff. First obstacle was we had to climb a tree to a certain height (40 feet?). Starting from that tree and onto the next one was a long wire, and another wire above it. On the top wire hung several ropes to grab onto. So, with a harness on (thank goodness), I navigated my way shakily to the end of the wire (that really really short string no one can reach made it harder ;_;), screamed a couple of times, and made it. Climbed up a couple of feet of tree, and made it to the zip line. They strapped me in, and without much hesitation I pushed off the platform and zipped. The only thing to say on this is "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
After that I went and did rock climbing. I got halfway up a wall, and the rocks got sorta small and hard to grip or stand on, so I slipped several times. I started over once, but never made it to the top. xP Still fun.
After rock climbing, I learned how to repel. A repel is when you get you slide yourself down, often used in mountain sports and stuff. There's a pulley system, and you have to ease yourself down to the ground from a certain height. It was interesting.
I would have done the leap of faith where you just jump off a platform on a tree to the ground, but there wasn't enough time for me.

The food at the camp was awesome. Taco lunch was epic <3

So yeah =D

And I watched Bleach: Fade to Black last night. Awesome movie. =O


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That reminded me of summer camp last year, where that flash flood hit right before I was going to finish my last two repels and finish my Climbing merit badge. >,<
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