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My Brain Has Gone Numb. Again.



After coughing out the sixteenth chapter to my epic here, I realised something really worrying.


When I stared at the computer screen, I realised that my writing sense had gone numb. Seriously numb.


It's so bad that I don't think I can write any stories or prose for a good long while.


But at least blog entries don't need everything to be grammatically correct...(see, it already sounds funny!) or at least I can be pardoned.


Meanwhile, I'm trying to console myself about this sudden loss of neurons. It's no fun at all.


Heh... maybe I should try to go into art, and scare you all with the squiggles!




On a lighter note, I hope that this week of school would not be as demanding. My siblings are enjoying their holidays with their own activities of interest, but here I am, back in school, slaving over the Mac OS X.


And they say that my course is the most fun.


Well, let's hope for the best. Carpe Diem!



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It wouldn't surprise me if I still have my CMC lurking around -- somewhere . . . Watching me . . . Waiting for when I discover it . . .


I've had blocks before. In fact, PAS is my first real step back into hardcore story-writing. I haven't written anything with meat since -- oh, 2001.


It's important to broaden your horizons. If you have the chance, go read something you've never read before. Sci-fi/Fantasy fan? Try a Fiction/Lit book. Or maybe even nonfiction. I find business stories to be quite fascinating. :-P


That, or, play in other people's worlds. I know you've written fanfic for Bionicle, but what about Transformers? Ply your talent there, maybe you'll get something.


Or, check out Fleet! Or the Neo-Council/TwinRealms mythos! Playing in other people's worlds doesn't mean that world has to be copyrighted. :-P There's a reason why Fleet's ambiguously big. ;)


The blogging helps, surprisingly. Observing one's environment, and talking about it, hones one's technique.


Blocks stink. But, sometimes, it's a good thing to just back away and take a break. Hopefully yours won't be five years long. ;)

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Block for fi...fi...five years? Gosh, scary-scary.


Thanks for the advice, Two. I'll see what I can do to rid myself or the block.


That, or I just need a recharge.



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Consider yourself fortunate. Inspiration strikes me only every 11 months or so.

In the absence of something that must be written or told, original storytelling for me is akin to pulling teeth.


With apologies to 22's third molars.



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That bad? I don't think I would've lived with inspiration coming to me so sparsely.


:lol: Yes, pity Twenty-Two's molars! Thanks for... err, the motivation to let my brain lie to rest for a while. :P


Nyeh, I was joking. Thanks anyway.



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