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Philosophy 101



I don't quite remember the last twenty minutes of class today. But from the first hour of it, I remember discussion about senses and how we can't trust them and if a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, it didn't make sound and stuff...


So if I didn't sense anything from the last twenty minutes of class, (or the readings, in particular) then obviously they didn't happen, so they won't be on the midterm.


I am so going to use that logic. And avoid any philosophy class in the future like the plague. I prefer sciences, where we doubt stuff all the time but not basic laws of physics and such.


(I'm sure you could make some argument that supports some conclusion that Philosophy is important to the human structure... but I'm just going to ignore that and go to sleep.)




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Nice. Being homeschooled, I can't do that. (One, I don't have a psycology class. Two, I can't really sleep through class. :P )



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