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Well, This Is An Interesting New Feature....



It's actually quite strange that BZPower decided to go ahead and create the blog option now. The other day, while I was on my way to school, I thought about any additions that might make the community we know and love better. A blog was the first thing that came to my head. And guiess what? We now have a blog. Well, you know what they say, "great minds think alike." This must mean I think like an admin. It's encouraging to say the least, though most likely coincidental.


Ehem, now do I just go on rambling. By the way, do I have to include Bionicle content in my blogs? I have never done this before, and I'm learning as I go. Just to be on the safe side for now, I'll include a little of both.


I had a sleep over with a couple of my buddies Friday night. It was sweet, and we watched a grand total of four movies. X-Men: The Last Stand, The 40 year old Virgin, Aeon Flux, and some wierd movie concerning vampires and lycans. I can't say any of them were particularly groundbraking. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy is the bet set of movies ever made (and that is not open for debate). Of course, the Bionicle trilogy is downright spiffy, too.


Now to end with a little bit about Bionicle. I believe the Chronicler's Company should become a Toa team. They all have unique abilities, are leaders in their respective villages, and have proven their worth beyond question. Here are some make-up bios for what I believe a CC team would have:


Kapura: His character should be one of an eccentric Pohatu who can teleport. This would make him an awesome wingman, but not a great leader. This leads to another great thing about the CC becoming a Toa team, a different element would have to lead. Kapura will also take the traditional place of Toa of Earth or Water as the wisest member of the Toa team.


Taipu: He'd be incredibly strong, sort of slow (like Kapura), and very loyal + friendly. That's a great combination, and I'm sure he'd make an awesome Toa of Earth.


Tamaru: He should be incredibly athletic, more serious than past Toa of Air, and a great fighter.


Kopeke: His character should be even more hostile and silent than Kopaka, which will make him a very unique and interesting Toa.


Hafu: The loudmouth of the group, with a large amount of courage, incredible skill with stone, and a lot of fighting skill.


Macku: She will be the most athletic of the group, have less wisdom than is typical of a Toa of Water, yet be an incredible fighter. Her courage is a main reason I think she might be a good leader.


And for the leader: It comes down to a match between Tamaru and Macku. Right back who you think should be leader (out of these two) and why in the comments section of my blog. :)


And that's my first blog entry. I hope you've enjoyed reading this as much as I've enjoyed writing it.



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Hmm, well since I don't currently see any comments here, I'll go ahead and say something.

I think the Chronicler's Company becoming Toa idea was/is a good one. I can't say exactly why, but for some reason Macku seems like the best choice for leader. She's done some pretty brave stuff.

Oh, and besides the two trilogies that you mentioned, I have to add Jurassic Park, Indiana Jones, and the original Star Wars trilogies. I guess great things come in threes :P

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Good start on a blog, Chris! I'll be starting one myself as well. When I saw you on the lineup, I just knew I had to see one from someone I met! It's probably new for a ton of people.

As for a good leader of your Toa-team, I'd go with the Toa of Air, basically because I've never favored the Water beings much (but still respect them). If he is serious but funny like other Le-Toa (is that a real Bionicle word? I mean an Air toa), he sounds perfect. Like a leader open for suggestions.

Hey, here's an idea: MOC the team yourself! Don't forget to try out some new weapons, and many BZPers don't like pre-made toa bodies, but I'm sure you'll do fine!



-or Benjamin to you....(the Jamboree rocked!)

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Thankee for the comments.


Anway, I agree with Tamaru being a great choice for leader. He seems more serious than Matau (which is a good thing for a leader).


And about that mocing idea.....maybe. I really am not that good of a mocer, but who knows. I may give it a try.

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