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I Hear You Like Epicz...

Metallic O'Dalek


Despite it having been a long time since I requested submissions for characters to appear in an epic I planned to write, I have reason to bring it up again. Namely, I finally began writing it. Yayz. Go me. Procrastination is win. Oh, and a random dialouge I plan to slip in there at some point, which I feel is safe to post here since no one ever actually reads my blog anymore, or so it would seem...


"Hi! Is there another exit from this building I could take? The other one is being assaulted by my fans..."


"You must be pretty popular to have them chasing you in those numbers."


"Well, technically they're not my fans."


"Then who are they? Or do I want to know?"


"They actually want my head. I just like to pretend they want my autograph. It helps tone down the whole 'running from assassins and bounty hunters' thing, ya' know? Gotta' go. Been nice talking with you but it sounds like they got in. Bye!"


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