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Recently In Movies



Just recently saw two cool movies. The second I could even describe as great.


1) Surrogates

-For free, of course, back at home over Fall Break. This one was really good and cool. Story, action, plot, characters, situations, slight drama (to really show the situation), and plot twists upon plot twists upon plot twists. Wow. (Now I want to read the graphic novel.)

I would definitely suggest this for sci-fi fans that want something different. (I remember a review describing it as part I, Robot and part Blade Runner. I can see that, and those kind of movies don't come around too often.


2) The Island

-Awesome. Movie.

Like, go watch it now.

Incentives: Ewan McGreggor. Great job there. (Oh and Scarlett Johansson, guys. *wink*)

Plus, story that really played itself out well, action, plot, and wasn't dull.

I don't want to tell you what it's about because I already knew because I've been looking at it online before and it spoiled the first half for me. DON'T do that. It's kind of reminiscent of Brave New World. (Great book.) So basically it's another "different" sci-fi flick, but I'd recommend this before Surrogates and to people that don't normally reach for sci-fi first. It's great. (Whoa there I said it!)


-CF :kakama:


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