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Writers' Club



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Welcome to the Writer's Club! The BZPower Writers' Club is a group of writers that have gotten together to help each other improve their literacy skills as well as discuss their story ideas. This entry may be used for discussion of the club or of literature in general; I'll probably make another entry for writing ideas/discussion, and I'll be making a Library entry soon [please post your works there!].




The purpose of the Writers’ Club is to get people more active in the Library. In both writing and reviewing [though mostly the latter], the Library seems to be getting less and less activity. And so, that’s why I – with the help of others – created this club. The basic motto is “review and you will receive reviews” – which is exactly what this club is about. If you join, then you are asked to review a certain number of literary works per month. Also, there will be a Library compiled of literary works written by club members; those must be reviewed first, in return for any reviews you have given.




We ask that before one joins, you agree to the following:


-You agree to review at least three literary works a month. If you are part of the SSCC, ECC, or COTSCG then two of your three reviews may be done for those clubs. However, I ask that for at least one review, you either review something from the Writers’ Club Library or a story in the BZPower Library that hasn’t gotten much attention [for now, you only need to review something from the BZP Library that you think needs a review; I'll put up a Library entry and once that starts getting some attention, then you should review those if another club member hasn't].


-You try to write frequently. All we ask is that you try to expand your skills. Whether it be writing in an RPG, or just jotting down ideas on a piece of paper that we will never see, I’m trying to get people to write more in this club.


Then, all you have to do is fill out the following form, and place it in this entry:


Username: (put a link to your member profile here)


Current status: (Any written works of your own? Libraries? What stories [if any] are you working on right now?)


What do you like to write?: (What style of stories do you like to write? Longer/shorter stories? Mystery stories? Adventure stories? Romantic stories?)


What to look for: (as a reader/reviewer, what do you look for in a story? Good grammar? Interesting characters? Descriptions? Good solid plots?)


Misc: (What do you do? What other Clubs are you in? What forums do you visit in BZP? Anything else you want to put in here; hobbies in real life, etc.)




Once a month there will be a contest for all Writers’ Club members. Most of the time, there won’t be a prize, but it will instead earn you the title of “Writer of the Month” in the Writers’ Club, and should motivate you to write more.


I also hope to set up some sort of collaborative story between club members at some point, so you guys can discuss that in this entry, if you have any thoughts on the subject.


The first contest [with prizes, and possibly open to the public] will take place after the Short Stories Autumn Olympics have finished. Post here for any suggestions.




Here is the current list of members:


-The Dark Knight [Toa Velox]


-Lady Kopaka

-Tifosi 92


- -Zaxvo-


-Toa Spirit


-Steamboy [Kakaru]




Feel free to use the banner below for advertising [it's the same as the banner at the top of this entry]:





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Username: QuestionMark


Current status: I have written one Short Story, For Whom The Bell Tolls -- which was deleted some time ago, but that I will be re-posting shortly. That's pretty much all I've written, to be honest...

My plan is to work on one particular Epic. The working title is "Nixie".


What do you like to write?: I'm not really sure. Many of my ideas draw inspiration from "life questions" and are therefore rather dark, which is difficult for me because I try to write in a reader-friendly, to-the-point manner. Mostly I want my stories to have some sort of meaning or message.


What to look for: Clear and concise descriptions that readily create mental pictures; characters and emotions that are relatable. I want to be pulled into the story. Three dimensions are more important than anything else.


Misc: I don't actually do much here on BZP. I'm not that interested in BIONICLE anymore, but I still follow it because I think its many aspects have great potential for fan-fiction. Every now and then I'll check out the Completely Off Topic and General Discussion Forums.


My hope in joining the Writers' Club is to get more inspiration to write from reading what others are doing.



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Hi guys!


Sorry I wasn't able to do anything during December. I had a motivational dry spell. Thankfully I'm back. :)


I'm gonna go review some stories now. One question, though; when will stuff start happening here? I've been waiting for some activity, but haven't seen any (then again, I can't complain, seeing as I did nothing writing related this past month).

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Username: Lewa Krom


Current status: I joined BZP after 6 years of being a guest just so I could post stories up. I'm working on a story called Unity and have written a short story, Freedom of Lumo, to go along with it. Before BZP, I've written a short story that got published in a book (in fourth grade; it wasn't anything special). I wrote two Bionicle stories back in 2003 but both sucked and I may try to one day rewrite them.


What do you like to write?: I like adventure or mystery stories. Science fiction's good too. I don't have preference between long or short just as long as it gets the job done.


What to look for: As a reviewer, I look for grammar (well, basic grammar anyways). Plot is one of the most important things to me with characterization close behind. I like description, but only in moderation.


Misc: I am in the writing club at my school but that's about it with things related to writing. I've tried writing my own book to get published on a number of occasions and haven't been able to get myself to sit down and work on it.


-Lewa Krom

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Just checking in to say that by now I've reviewed The Lighthouse by Nuclear Winter and March Forth And Conquer by ~LG~. I have to say, I think I could get used to reviewing. It's rather enjoyable, and quite informative (for me, I mean). ^_^


Plus I thought I should mention the "Story Fit" thing that Multivac has going on. Maybe you've already heard about it, but it's a challenge of sorts for writers to write different "themed" stories every week. I think it's a really cool idea, and I might get in on it tomorrow.


In other news, I've decided to give my old story ideas a rest and try to write something completely new, see if that works out better. That's sort of why I'm in a good mood at this moment. ^_^ And I have been writing one story recently, too, but it's more of a pet project. I don't know if I'll finish it, although it is fun to write.



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Sorry I haven't been active and that I've kind of neglected this.


But, I'll be closing this now. I am not proud that nothing really happened with this club [no contests, no real activity besides a few reviews (and a very big thanks to those that did write reviews), and especially that I haven't been active at all in it], but something better has come.


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