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More On White Pieces



It'd also be nice to have the Piraka's 2-toed feet, arm, and leg armor in regular white. It'd make me not have to get some extra of it in off-white (like I already have) so I can use those pieces.


No, seriously, I have another arm and two pieces of armor. Doesn't make much MOCing easier though.


-CF :kakama:


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I would kill for some white Thok pieces, more importantly i wish my older white pieces (Vahki, Nuji, etc) wouldn't turn off white over time :(

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I agree. I don't know why we don't see so much of the 2007 pieces anymore. This includes


Pridak feet

Takadox armor

Carapar armor



It would make sense to see these pieces in one of the most basic colors: white.

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I have never really had too much of a yearning for Thok parts in regular white, mostly because since they don't exist I haven't done much speculating as to what they could be used for. I'm very much a character-based thinker, so a part's usefulness in my eyes depends heavily on what sort of character I hope to use it on or see it used on. Of course, unlike you I don't churn out high-quality MOCs and concepts on such a regular basis, so obviously my creativity is a lot more limited.


I agree. I don't know why we don't see so much of the 2007 pieces anymore. This includes


Pridak feet

Takadox armor

Carapar armor



It would make sense to see these pieces in one of the most basic colors: white.

The absence of Carapar thigh armor in today's sets confuses me. It's a great armor shape, and could work well in vehicle sets, maybe as a seat (although I appreciate the Kalmah thigh armor for its comfitasticness). Thankfully, Carapar thigh armor looks like it'll appear in dark blue in one of next year's Power Miners sets.


Pridak feet are sort of useful, but I dislike their use as feet. They worked on Pridak because of their finlike shape, but otherwise they're very awkward.


Takadox armor has its uses, but it's very small compared to other armor pieces. It does, however, infuriate me because of its current colors: people seem to think it can be equated to ice blue, or light blue, or regular blue depending on the MOC, when in fact it doesn't match any of the three and destroys the color schemes of many primarily-blue MOCs. The fact that it's so often used for non-organic beings is also an annoyance since it has such an organic look and fails at resembling mechanistic armor.


On a similar note, why are you talking about 2007 pieces in an entry about 2006 pieces? Not that it's not related; just that it seems a bit misplaced.

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I just wish Thok was white to begin with. He doesn't match anyone.


Also yes, my white pieces turn colors after while too. It makes me very sad.


And I also agree that Carapar's armor ought to pop up more. Carapar's the only set that's ever had it, no?

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I just wish Thok was white to begin with. He doesn't match anyone.


Also yes, my white pieces turn colors after while too. It makes me very sad.


And I also agree that Carapar's armor ought to pop up more. Carapar's the only set that's ever had it, no?

If he was white, his teeth wouldn't look as bright in comparison (being painted GitD). They might even look greenish. Making him off-white helps that. It's probably the same reason Toa Inika Matoro's mouth is closed-- the greenish blend on his teeth would be obvious if it was visible through the mask.

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I just wish Thok was white to begin with. He doesn't match anyone.


Also yes, my white pieces turn colors after while too. It makes me very sad.


And I also agree that Carapar's armor ought to pop up more. Carapar's the only set that's ever had it, no?

If he was white, his teeth wouldn't look as bright in comparison (being painted GitD). They might even look greenish. Making him off-white helps that. It's probably the same reason Toa Inika Matoro's mouth is closed-- the greenish blend on his teeth would be obvious if it was visible through the mask.

Okay so uh, it doesn't match anything. Like, I see what you mean, but couldn't they have switched to his off-shite-greyish color for at least a few sets, then go back and forth like it was a Metru color? Sometimes having old white, sometimes new?

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I just wish Thok was white to begin with. He doesn't match anyone.


Also yes, my white pieces turn colors after while too. It makes me very sad.


And I also agree that Carapar's armor ought to pop up more. Carapar's the only set that's ever had it, no?

If he was white, his teeth wouldn't look as bright in comparison (being painted GitD). They might even look greenish. Making him off-white helps that. It's probably the same reason Toa Inika Matoro's mouth is closed-- the greenish blend on his teeth would be obvious if it was visible through the mask.

Okay so uh, it doesn't match anything. Like, I see what you mean, but couldn't they have switched to his off-shite-greyish color for at least a few sets, then go back and forth like it was a Metru color? Sometimes having old white, sometimes new?

I wish they had done that too. When it first came out, I thought "ZOMG! They've finally done the impossible! They've made a dark white!" But then, unlike the Metru colors, they never used it again.


Granted, an MOCist who's serious about using that color (i.e. serious enough to buy parts online) can nab some parts from either NXT set, since both include copious Technic parts in Thok White (alas; the same can't be said for BIONICLE parts).

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^Yeah, that's why I bought some extra Thok white pieces. And while there was a point in time where I wanted more of that color, I later came to realize (I think Shine turned me around) that instead I should just want Thok pieces in regular white.


Oh well.



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