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I've been running into some really kind people recently. Like, I'd screw up really bad, but they wouldn't ever really mind that much, and continue on. Recently, I messed up really badly in a trade with someone, over DS Wi-Fi. Discussing details, and I missed a word -- so, I looked like a moron in the end, and completely embarrassed myself. But, unlike what happens to me normally, the person I'm talking to doesn't decide to rip my flesh off my bones and drink my blood. Rather, they just go "Oh, don't mind it. I'll just give you what you asked for, free of charge."


It was just really nice for someone to do, and really rare... like, really rare.


I remember messing up in a similar way a few days ago, the insults at me went -flying-.


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I'm the one that ripped the flesh from his bones and drank his blood.


Or more accurately, I tore out his spine, ate his soul, and some out unspeakable thing that I don't recall.


But I only did that because he told me to.



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I'm the one that ripped the flesh from his bones and drank his blood.


Or more accurately, I tore out his spine, ate his soul, and some out unspeakable thing that I don't recall.


But I only did that because he told me to.



I more meant that you probably wanted to XP

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