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Toa Blackouts Movie Marathon

Solaris Magnus


Hello BZP


Me and Toa Blackout are making a Stop Motion Movie


seeing as we are not finished, we need to keep it here for now ( wow i host ALOT of people :P )



But on the the basics


we have a list of characters, 2 taken



1) Ice Toa-Glacian- NOT TAKEN

2) Plantlife Toa- Selvas- Mesonak

3) Electricity Toa- Blitza- NOT TAKEN

4) Ta Matoran- Acaras- Played by Star (aka Me :P)

5) Toa Varderan- Played by ....Varderan :P

6) Ko Matoran- Cerilo- NOT TAKEN

7) Ce-Toa- Psyanso- NOT TAKEN


We need voice actors, so Please, contact us through my blog or the PM system


And now the fun begins




Just had to do that





BTW- AS B.I.T.S mentioned, we need Rahi voices :P


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just to let u know thats not all the characters just the ones in the first few episodes and im making a trailer now (just need my bleeeeeping camera to finish charging)


btw star u forgot i need people to do rahi voices so add taht

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I might be able to do this.


I'l upload a sample of my voice (I'm getting a Skype headset so it's gonna sound A LOT better) and you can tell me what part (If any) I'm suited for. :P



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Im J/K that was pretty funny. Lol.


But seriously my voice is gonna sound more normal now. ._.



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So as soon as your done, ust send me and Blackout the files and we'll see wha i can do





cuz u fail star lol jk

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No serioulsy, do people just Ignore this thing




Because youre not famous/important









Also cuz yu fail lol j/k

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Woot! I've been looking for something like this ever since I got my awesome new laptop with an awesome new webcam and an awesome free Windows 7! And Toa of Plant-Life? WIN. But me has no idea what me should say in voice auditioning thingy. o.o Me fail with deciding on things to say. o.o


-TNN(Toa Nidhiki Nuva)

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Send me a line for Glacian and Cerilo. And a Rahi of any kind.


I'll send you an audio sample for each and you can tell me which one (If any) I'm suited for.



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we heard your selvas line meso and well you are now our toa selvas but i think the line star told you to read was very disturbing he isnt gonna be so threatining and wanna kill and strangle people think as his character as like lewa laid back voice which i think if your voice wasnt so threatining there it would sound like what i picture him as but anyways you have the part


and we still need others guys too

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ello important update on the status of this project of star and i due too the fact everyone at my house is asleep and since i just got a laptop qnd camera and lots of new chracaters made im making the first episode (FINALLY) tonight! BUT it will still atleast be a week or even more cuz i have to do the voices and all that c*** but y the heck am i still talking to yall i have to go star taking lots of pictures and i mean lots '-' _blackout_


EDIT: star you neglected to add the fact we need someone to play as our toa of psionics psyanso add that to the top please or ill kill meso

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