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Ba Ba Buh Buh Bum



I got a bunch of used CDs today for no real reason, except that they were dirt cheap, and I like one or two of the songs on them. Two early Soundgarden CDs (for Flower and Fopp), Lostprophets (Shinobi vs. Dragon Ninja, the ba ba buh buh bum thing, y'know), three old Cure CDs...and like, five or six more. So I added 78 more songs to my library today, bringing the total up to around 1200 something.


But you don't care. You want a rant, don't you? El oh el.


First, though, I have to tell you the greatest line ever - the mass sum of human knowledge, years of the philosophers' careful thought, and the mysteries of life have all come together to form this;


"Why don't you just drink a big tall glass of shut up juice?"


Well, it's either that or "That's right, I hit him so hard he fell off the internet."




But speaking of interwebs, why are moderators of the world not called the Karma Police? C'mon, show some love for Radiohead, silly people. I'll just post the song lyrics so I can finish off this blog entry that really has no point whatsoever. Sigh.


- Karma Police -

- Radiohead -

- OK Computer (1997) -


Karma police, arrest this man

He talks in maths

He buzzes like a fridge

He's like a detuned radio


Karma police, arrest this girl

Her Hitler hairdo is

Making me feel ill

And we have crashed her party


This is what you get

This is what you get

This is what you get when you mess with us


Karma police, I've given all I can

It's not enough

I've given all I can

But we're still on the payroll


This is what you get

This is what you get

This is what you get when you mess with us


And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself

And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself


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"That's right, I hit him so hard he fell off the internet."
(geez, exo, your type is hard to duplicate!)


Unfortunatly, that's pretty easy when the person is useing a dail-up conection. ><


(Been reading web comics, have we?)

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HOMG liek u qwotd frum da dinotopia cartoonmovie thingy



E hem.


My mom actually played me that song.And said it was "Nonsence"

Bull honkey!Everyone and everything has scent.Duh.

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el oh el ctrl+alt+del. Yeah, el oh el is way better than lol, sillyfoo.


I don't like too many of the Lostprophets songs, but some are...well...good. :D

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