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Lego Birthday Party

Roa McToa


So I threw my first Lego Birthday Party ever.


One of my friends kids (My boss's niece's son) was having a birthday today. His mom had called me up around the beginning of October about this, and I told her yeah, I'll do it. "Lemme grab some figures, and I'll get back to ya". When I was at Brickcon, I got to talk to certified Lego professional Dan Parker, and I asked him about how his group does parties. He talked about having a theme for parties i.e. pirates Bionicle, Star Wars, whatever.... and having do not touch models and play with models, as well as providing sets to build and parts to build with as well. You also build a model for the birthday kid. His crews go all out and build something huge. I also built a schweet little mech at his studio before going back home.


I am not quite up the the grand scale of their parties, so for $150, I threw a nice Lego party. I took along two big totes of Lego, and three big totes of Bionicle. I had some random sets and mocs posed around the room in battle poses for decor. There were 15 kids at the party, and most of them wanted to build with Bionicle. They also did balloon fights for when they needed to blow off steam... (hyper 7&8 year olds.. lol) So many questions, and assistance calls, it took a lot to keep up with them all.


Well, the hot set of the day.....




Bohrok of all things! They all wanted Bohrok! Good thing this random box had enough to make about 6 or 7 of em, plus I had about 3 or 4 already assembled on display in the room. It was an all out Bohrok fest on the bionicle pile. They were upgrading them with different shields and weapons. Trading disks and krana with eachother. It was fun to watch. Overall, they all kept very busy building. One of the moms who was there built a purple house out of bricks! Its so cool, I am gonna keep it assembled! :D


There was also a cake that looked like it was made outta LEGO Bricks! Nicely made for a home cake indeed. It was a speckle cake, and she used marshmallows for the lego studs, and the bricks were frosted different colors. Very clever, and easy for a structured cake! :D The presents session was good, as the birthday boy got lots of gifts, including two clone trooper packs and an agents his speed boat chase set. The party favors were also $3 lego sets, and I got two of em courtesy of the birthday boy himself! :D How cool is that!


Overall, it was a great party! The basement hall at the Library was a perfect place to throw such an event. She had reserved it for two hours, but thats never enough time. The kids wanted to build more! I don't blame em when there's a huge pile of elements at their disposal. I ended up giving the kid a raincheck for his birthday moc, (more on that in a moment) and I gave him a Bohrok Kal. He was happy no doubt!


Now for his birthday moc, which is a detailed Toa, I am gonna have his uncle (my boss) take it to him. My boss paid for the party as a surprise gift to his lil nephew, cause he never gets the chance to do anything with him, busy schedules of all parties and such. So I think it'll be a good way for them to bond.


So thats pretty much it for my Sunday. I have been chillen relaxin at home most of the day. lol


seeya next blog! :P













Now to finish that moc..........


Recommended Comments

That sounds like a TON of fun, especially for the kids. Sounds like it went over well.


BTW, you should blog more often. ;)



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LOL, the Bohrok are still one of the best BIONICLE designs ever produced.


I second xccj's motion. More Roablog!



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