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Evacuate And Start All Over



That's what I've had to do with my computer. What a chore.


It turns out that the Trojan horse was indeed wreaking its destruction deeper than the level of the OS itself. I figured that out when my keyboard and mouse started going all balky and fritzy under Ubuntu. I have now backed up my files, reformatted the hard drive, reinstalled Windows, and begun the process of restoring everything else. Ubuntu is next.


If that didn't kill the sucker, I don't know what will.


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Man, there is so much bad stuff floating around on this internet, costs an arm and a leg to protect yourself from it. I just paid about 100 bucks on Norton software, is the internet really free anymore?

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Man, there is so much bad stuff floating around on this internet, costs an arm and a leg to protect yourself from it. I just paid about 100 bucks on Norton software, is the internet really free anymore?

Yup, it's a never-ending war, and the bad guys have the edge, unfortunately. I look forward to quantum computers with unbreakable security. :psychotwitch:


Watch out- the backed up files could be potential trojan carriers.

I only backed up documents - no program files. I'm more worried that the hard drive reformat didn't scour deep enough. Praying for the best...


Funny, though: I got my first BlueScreenOfDeath within hours. A good reminder of why I love Linux so much. :wub:

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