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Dadgum, Not Again.

Lady Kopaka


I think I'm getting sick again. Again. :plain:


My sleeping med has decided to stop working over the past few days. Which is really bad, because as you know, sleeping is the best cure for getting better. Of course, because of some unknown factor that's causing a lot of sickness/physical blah, I can't sleep. When I can't sleep, I get stressed and struggle against anxiety and increased activity in doing nothing (oxymoron?). Then I get more stressed and confused, resulting in even more sleep loss and so many nightmares that I'm literally afraid to go to sleep at night.


I've told myself no matter what, to keep my head up—so, I'm doing pretty good considering things, but I really hope I find the solution to this. I'm very disappointed with myself, I was doing so well last week. I really felt like the old me; the real me I haven’t seen in probably a year.


Then there’s NaNo I was so pumped for. Now I couldn't even concentrate on watching NCIS tonight; I also skipped going to this art gathering this evening. It's just sad. I'm trying to push myself through with my writing (not to mention a slew of other things), and though NaNo is more about quantity rather than quality…I'm just not feeling it one bit. This is different from a writer’s block or pushing through the story's plot holes and oddities—I can’t function at all, with anything.


This just stinkeths.


Oh, but currently fixing new blog graphics, and I finally found my darn phone. That has to count for something, right?


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Well, at least one good thing happened. xP


And awww at you getting sick again. Tell your body it never had my permission to do that and should get better right nao.



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The new blog graphics are fantastic. <3


(not to mention a sleuth slew of other things)

A sleuth is a Sherlock. :psychotwitch:


It can be really hard to get out of this kind of vicious circle once it starts up. I'm tempted to say just force yourself to go on through sheer strength of will, but that might not be the wisest thing. May be wiser to, first and foremost, make peace with your ailments. Accept them as the experience you're going through. That's easy to say, I know. You've been going through this type of thing for so long that you're really losing patience for it.


There are two paths here: to give in to despair, or to push on. Depending on where you're at and how you do it, either one can potentially be the key to getting through this, or just make things worse. I don't know which it is. That's your call. But I think there are times when people have passed through the utter depths of despair (loss of hope) and eventually come out the other side healed, having found an entirely new basis for their hope. Self-pity's not the way, though, definitely not. And you know that, of course.


I recommend talking to someone who's been through the same and dealt with it successfully. Or just someone with a lot of understanding and insight. Seek help when you need it! Don't be afraid to ask. :)


EDIT: I say "two paths," but I really mean an infinite number, lol.

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Really. There's only one thing to say

*Hug* You've got all my support, I know an inkling of what you're dealing with, and it's not fun.


But you'll triumph.



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Guest kopakanuva13


Ugh, seems like you've got yourself a vicious circle there. Anxiety and stress can make sickness all that much worse; you really need some sleep. I suggest you try out melatonin supplaments. They don't work for everyone but they're not harmful to the body and promote sleep. That can help with the stress and such. Sleep is a magical thing.


Hope you're better soon <3

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I take melatonin sometimes for insomnia. I'm not sure how much it helps me, but I did konk out for close to twelve hours the time I took a triple dose...


Unlike Janus, I'm not so good with the hugs. It's a Finnish thing, I guess. We're so reserved. :rolleyes:


Ai, here. *hugs*


I reckon you'll want to get a real one from someone a little closer geographically, though. :D


Hang in there, girl!

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BCii is right--you can either let it get to you or just keep going strong. Even though you're sick, try really hard to hang on to that mindset you had a few days ago. You've been through tougher stuff before, I'm sure; if you've made it in the past, you'll make it now, no problem.


Sure, you didn't go to that art gathering last night, but you did end up doing other fun stuff, right? Maybe you're not doing too great with quality on NaNo, but I haven't even started yet. You're quite a ways ahead of me (and probably a lot of us), in that respect. As a matter of fact, you are... 14.1% through it in just the first three days. That's absolutely remarkable progress, considering that you're around 5% ahead of the pace (it roughly equates to a day and a half of extra time :P). And you found your phone, too, so you're getting in order there as well. The new blog graphics are really neat, too--I can't figure out if that's your picture in the Bio block, though. :P


Just keep your head up, keep writing (maybe some stuff other than NaNo, if you have time?), and most of all, eat some chocolate, okay? :)

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At least some good things did occur. And there will always be NaNoWriMo's, and you have all the time in the world to write.

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And awww at you getting sick again. Tell your body it never had my permission to do that and should get better right nao.

I did! But my mean body said something not so nice about you and continued to be sick.


A sleuth is a Sherlock.

Eep, that was fail! I fixed it...weird typos surface at one o'clock in the morning. But thank you so much for the suggestions BCii, those really were good. When I was in the hospital last week, it really shook me to the core, and people around me--I think that was the changing point in my outlook. Since then I've been much more positive--or I'm at least trying my uttermost to push on and keep my chin up. And if I do become too depressed again, I will definitely go seek someone to talk to, rather than closing up.


Really. There's only one thing to say

*Hug* You've got all my support, I know an inkling of what you're dealing with, and it's not fun.


But you'll triumph.

*Hug back* Thank you so much Janus; you are awesome.


Sure, you didn't go to that art gathering last night, but you did end up doing other fun stuff, right? Maybe you're not doing too great with quality on NaNo, but I haven't even started yet. You're quite a ways ahead of me (and probably a lot of us), in that respect. As a matter of fact, you are... 14.1% through it in just the first three days. That's absolutely remarkable progress, considering that you're around 5% ahead of the pace (it roughly equates to a day and a half of extra time :P).

Wow, thinking about it that way--I did do okay. Of course, last night I stayed up till 3AM, heck-bent on getting some writing done. I did 4K words in just a few hours...but still not liking what I'm writing still, lol. Though, I guess the best thing to do is just to press on with it. I can always go back and edit after November.


And there will always be NaNoWriMo's, and you have all the time in the world to write.

Sorta. When you're sick like me, I'm afraid all my time will be spent laying in bed or attempting to catch up with school.

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Hang in there Lady K. Life often throws us on loops, but you'll make it through, and be stronger as a result.


Don't get down on yourself over nanowrimo...you're way ahead of schedule (and about 6000 words ahead of me, if that makes you feel any better) and yeah, it might sound forced, but so does every novel during the first stages.


My brother had some sleep issues a while back. I think a lot of those sleep-meds stop working if you use them over several nights. Maybe you could try switching between meds every few days. Just a guess.


Don't know what else to say that hasn't been said before.


I'll be praying for you.

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You sure you don't have Raia-itis? Cuz losing your stuff then miraculously finding it and missing out on lots of neato events due to sickness are both symptoms.


Jk.;D But seriously, you need to feel better!:[ Being sick all the time is for the fail. Though you shouldn't be so upset about NaNo...you've been cranking out that 50k like crazay! Srsly. I can hardly make the daily goal each day, lol. You're our rockstar LK, and don't you forget it.



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Awwww. I hope ya get to feeling better .-.


When i cant sleep or have nightmares i just think about something else. Like a crush. A goal. Anything happy. It helps me ^^.


GET BETTER OR ELSE I WILL SAY I PITY YOU! >:U *threatening pose*

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You sure you don't have Raia-itis? Cuz losing your stuff then miraculously finding it and missing out on lots of neato events due to sickness are both symptoms.


Jk.;D But seriously, you need to feel better!:[ Being sick all the time is for the fail. Though you shouldn't be so upset about NaNo...you've been cranking out that 50k like crazay! Srsly. I can hardly make the daily goal each day, lol. You're our rockstar LK, and don't you forget it.



Raia, hun, we've been exchanging disorders and sicknesses for the past year. I am not surprised at all if I picked this up from you.


And aw, thank you. <3 You're an awesome sauce rockstar yourself, you keep on writing that story because I want to read it soon!

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*huggles* Praying for you. Hope you feel better! :)


Oh, and I'm the same with NaNo. I'm just not feelin' it. It's like, I'm supposed to write when I'm inspired, not on a deadline!!



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*huggles* Praying for you. Hope you feel better! :)


Oh, and I'm the same with NaNo. I'm just not feelin' it. It's like, I'm supposed to write when I'm inspired, not on a deadline!!



I like the deadline. I want to prove to myself I can do it. Of course, when you're sick and all, it can completely ruin everything. I haven't felt like doing -anything- for the past few days.

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*huggles* Praying for you. Hope you feel better! :)


Oh, and I'm the same with NaNo. I'm just not feelin' it. It's like, I'm supposed to write when I'm inspired, not on a deadline!!



I like the deadline. I want to prove to myself I can do it. Of course, when you're sick and all, it can completely ruin everything. I haven't felt like doing -anything- for the past few days.


Oh, I totally know that feeling while your sick. I was sick with the flu (not H1N1, luckily) two weeks ago and missed a week and a half of school, so I have a ton to catch up on.



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