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The Algerian National Anthem

Unassuming Local Beorc


We swear by the lightning that destroys

By the streams of generous blood being shed

By the bright flags that wave

Flying proudly on the high mountains

That we have risen up, and whether we live or die

We are resolved that Algeria shall live

So be our witness - be our witness - be our witness!


We are soldiers in revolt for truth

And we have fought for our independence

When we spoke, none listened to us

So we have taken the noise of gunpowder as our rhythm

And the sound of machine guns as our melody

We are resolved that Algeria shall live

So be our witness - be our witness - be our witness!


O France, the time of reproof is over

And we have ended it as a book is ended

O France, this is the day of reckoning

So prepare to recieve from us our answer!

In our revolution is the end of empty talk

We are resolved that Algeria shall live

So be our witness - be our witness - be our witness!


The cry of the fatherland sounds from the battlefields

Listen to it and answer the call!

Let it be written in the blood of martyrs

And be read to future generations

Glory, we have held out our hand to you

We are resolved that Algeria shall live

So be our witness - be our witness - be our witness!









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