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Hair Cut

Mysterious Minifig


I got a hair cut today, actually it was a buzz cut. It's almost the same thing.


Now my drivers license picture should turn out decent. My permit picture looks terrible since my hair looks bad.


I'm also trying out a new signoff. I my try to shrink it down at some point but right now it's what I'm using.




(13 days until my drivers test)


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:kaukau:It's going to be a while before I go for a buzz cut again. With my hair at the current length, I see opportunity the get it cut into something that's still a little long but more stylish. The haircut I'm planning on getting soon will be pretty much like Hannibal's in Hannibal Rising, to make a recognizable reference.


In the meantime, a buzz cut, huh? Well, that haircut looks good on anybody. How long was it before you cut it?


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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In the meantime, a buzz cut, huh? Well, that haircut looks good on anybody. How long was it before you cut it?

It really wasn't as long as it could be but I wanted it to be short so it would look okay on my driver license picture.




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