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MT Zehvor


Another announcement concerning the Zehvor. We declare war on the Ventorus, no joke this time.


(throws pie)




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There they go now.

There go all my friends.

There they go now

Marching off to war again.


With their bright flags

Waving in the wind

There they go now

marching off to war again


Smiling proudly

with their heads in the clouds~





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There they go now.

There go all my friends.

There they go now

Marching off to war again.


With their bright flags

Waving in the wind

There they go now

marching off to war again


Smiling proudly

with their heads in the clouds~




:???: I...don't understand.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)


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K now I'm REALLY confused.


On one hand we have TA and Kylus trying to actually fight a war(sorta), Mesonak insulting KTM on another, Janus singing confusing poetry, and then Eyru turning suicidal.


I just remembered why I love this place, even though it's under Yami's evil reign of laginess.



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Why do you keep declarin war on us for no reason, leave us alone already. I want a break I have enough to worry about, not some stupid war.



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We declared war because we felt insulted by you and that dumb comic thing you made. So it does have a reason.



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Because I'm sure that not one Zehvor reads my blog...


I have written an epic poem describing the war of the Zehvor vs. the Ventorus. *Ahem*


the ventorus flew from the top of moumt everast an through boms at the zehvor. the zehvor expoded and we stoal all ther piez. the end.





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Because I'm sure that not one Zehvor reads my blog...


I have written an epic poem describing the war of the Zehvor vs. the Ventorus. *Ahem*


the ventorus flew from the top of moumt everast an through boms at the zehvor. the zehvor expoded and we stoal all ther piez. the end.






Yeah, that doesn't instill fear in me :annoyed2:

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What are you supposed to do to fight a war on the internet? Stare at the screen really angrily?



Yes, that's exactly how you fight a war over the internet. :P

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Ooh, I'm so scared.[/sarcasm]


All I have to say is...weak. That was the stupidest poem I've ever read in the 14+ years I've been alive. And if I (my character) were to explode, it would be **** on Earth. It would be Mother Nature turned into Mommy Dearest. Unstoppable fires spreading, 400 foot tidal waves, tsunamis, acid rain, eternal lightning storms, you get the point. So yeah, don't blow me up, unless you want the elements to run wild forever.


And next time KTM, maybe you should just ignore us. You said you have better things to do, right?


-Zehvor Brenmac :)


EDIT: And I wonder how history would've changed if each time there was a war, both sides just stared at eachother angrily from both sides of the battlefield for a few years.


And MT, is KTM still your friend? He's sorta your enemy now...

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EDIT: And I wonder how history would've changed if each time there was a war, both sides just stared at eachother angrily from both sides of the battlefield for a few years.


History would be a lot more boring. :P


Yeah about the comic thing MT, I'm not easily scared.

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What are you supposed to do to fight a war on the internet? Stare at the screen really angrily?

No, you insult Spagefefewewr people until one side gets bored and quits.


And next time KTM, maybe you should just ignore us. You said you have better things to do, right?

He lied.



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Jeez, you just said a cuss word. LOL, you're being WAY TOO serious. The poem was a joke. You didn't really bypass the filter to say how stupid it was.

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I do not have a side here but peace people, peace! Calm down and then discuss things over a cup of tea and a macadamia cookie. :)
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I do not have a side here but peace people, peace! Calm down and then discuss things over a cup of tea and a macadamia cookie. :)

nooooooooooooooooooooooo They'll fight over who gets the cookie and who gets the tea!!!!!!!aaghBOOM.gif


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I do not have a side here but peace people, peace! Calm down and then discuss things over a cup of tea and a macadamia cookie. :)

Brickeens FTW

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