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Mw2 And 360



So, I caclulated up how much sending in my current 360 will cost, roughly $150 with shipping and all of that. So rather, I decided that just giving Gamestop my non-working one and getting a thirty dollar discount on a used one is better and cheaper, making the system $100 to "Repair" other than the $150.


And, if I trade in my COD4 game, and my Halo 3 game, I can get Modern Warefare 2 for twenty bucks. Which is a nice deal, cuz Halo 3 got really boring [Plus I can rent it and borrow it from people I know... the latter for months at a time] and I never will play COD4, again.


So yeah, I can get my Xbox "fixed" and I can get Modern Warefare 2 for a total of $120 altogether, versus the $210 if I got the current 360 repaired, and bought the full priced game. [$170 otherwise].


So, I'm happy. ^^


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