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Since My Dad Doesn't Go On Bzp

... it's safe to post this here.


I just got a random email deal from Barns n Nobles... a 25% off coupon for one item in the store. Mostly a gimmick to get my to buy stuff there and/or become a member and pay the membership fee... but I though I'd use it.


So I went and bought the Star Trek DVD, 2009, Special Edition. Not wimpy regular edition... special edition, which at 25% off is only a couple dollars more than the regular edition at 25% off. See, my dad's a huge Trekkie fan and loved the movie, so great Christmas present, right? (Plus, for some reason, the special edition pack comes with two discs: one for a DVD player (not blue ray, because we're not that high tech) and one for the computer. Thus, after he opens it, he can keep the one at home and play it on the family DVD player, while I can "borrow" the computer one and play it on my laptop at school! And yes, I only realized this after I purchased it. :D )


Other stuff... there was a nice Lego display, with all the new books and everything. I thumbed through them a bit. It was kind of cool to see my favorite minifigure head (see my avatar) featured in the minifigure book twice: once as Aquanaut #1, and a second time as "Soccer Guy #2 With Red Head Band". Not much on Bionicle, though. And they had all the Lego Architecture sets. The Guggenheim Museum looks pretty cool, but it's a tad expensive. Otherwise, the Space Needle is the best one for the price, and I already got that at sale at BrickCon, so... yeah. And as cool as the books are, I'm not spending that much on a hardback for pictures I can mostly find on the internet.


One last thing of interest; as I turned off my ipod and walked into the store, I heard the last 30 seconds of Owl City's "Tidal Wave," my favorite song from their latest album, playing in the background. That was cool. Wish I'd arrived earlier to hear the whole thing.




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Star Trek DVD: Cool!

(But do you have a 6.7 Gb blue-ray rip on your computer that is so crystal clear on a laptop screen you don't think it's real?)


Owl City: Cool!



(Yes I got online. :P )




Huh, little about Bionicle? The said the word Throwbot once in the entire book, and that was a passing reference! C'mon people, Throwbots were one of your most innovative themes ever!



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