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= disaster Removed.. Not even well-made disaster Removed.. Just... BAD disaster Removed. We aren't going to use words like that when describing a movie, ok? -Kohaku.


I mean, this is just from what I've heard. You won't catch me going to see that film. Really. Thanks, but no thanks.




EDIT: Oops. Sorry, Kohaku. I wasn't thinking.




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I'm sure the FX are the best that money can buy. That's not where my quibble is directed. It's the vision of 2012 as being the end of the world as we know it with basically no hope for survival unless you're connected with the right people or just lucky as sin, and with no room for a positive view that transcends the physical disaster and might actually empower people instead of locking them into fear, helplessness, or apathy. ;)



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:kaukau:I won't see it. I've been saying since I first found out about it that it sounds pretty stupid and I hate the catch phrase. "We were warned." Like a few scribbles on a Mayan tablet is a legitimate enough of a warning, or as bones would say, sound. The catch phrase seems to imply that we are arrogant for not believing that the world would end in such a catastrophical manner, as if it really made a difference whether we knew ahead of time or not.


Otherwise, the effects are the best money can buy.


You know, it's kind of funny. I'm the type of guy who sometimes schedules too much of his life, and I had it planned that I would ask someone out for the first time, as in boyfriend and girlfriend, in 2012. It would be interesting if the relationship ended because the world was literally ending.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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LOL. I've been thinking along the same lines, that I might get together with my soul mate around that time. Not that it's like a plan or anything, just a convergence of gut feelings, logic-chain-based predictions, and wishful thinking, hah. :rolleyes:


If the world is gonna go pear-shaped on us, and there are plenty of ways in which I think it appears likely to do so, then it would be wise to prepare. But I suppose it's not such a good idea to get too deep into this subject here. :psychotwitch:


EDIT: 777th comment. :bigsmile:



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I think this from the Onion suits it best.



"CHICHÉN ITZÁ, MEXICO—Scholars of the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar

warned Monday that, according to ancient Mayan calculations, a

devastating film by German director Roland Emmerich is set to occur on

Nov. 13, 2009. "On this date, near the end of the 13th baktun cycle,

when the sun will converge with the centerline of the Milky Way, we

will see the release of an overblown ensemble epic by the man

responsible for Godzilla and 10,000 BC that could very well end John

Cusack's career as we know it," said Thomas Haney, an independent

researcher specializing in pre-Columbian cosmology. "At this point,

all we can do is hope and pray that the high priests were wrong and

the running time is less than 143 minutes." Hastening fears of an

unstoppable late-fall disaster has been the discovery of a tablet

depicting Mayan king Pacal storming out of a Loews cinema in disgust."

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See, this is where you're supposed to just lean back in your most comfortable chair and think 'popcorn'.


I, for one, am pretty much only going to see this movie for the speshul FXes. :P And it'll probably be on a rented DVD anyway. I'll admit - I laughed so hard at the rampant cheese of that first big trailer. Epic cheese was epic.


(Naturally, they've completely missed the point of the whole shebang, but that's another story for another place and another time.)

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I don't mind disaster movies normally, even the ones that totally doom most people. I really liked "Day After Tomorrow" and was even mildly interested by some of the Sci Fi channel's earthquake or tornado disaster shows, which stretch the science quite alot in an effort to destroy as many landmarks as they can.


But this movie... it's like there's no science behind it, and I guess there's other stuff, and the fact that they're trying to make it seem even minorly "realistic" is just too disturbing. Although the actual events of "The Day After Tomorrow" are unrealistic, the science behind it is true. But 2012 is just based on a superstition and... arg, it's just horrible!


I will not touch that movie with a ten foot pole... unless said pole is being used to wreck said movie.


(Basically, I agree with everything you said, which is put in a much more poetic way than my ramblings)



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I will not touch that movie with a ten foot pole... unless said pole is being used to wreck said movie.

Now I have a mental image of a ten foot polearm impaling a stack of movie reels.




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