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Ending Of Bionicle



The fact that they didn't include BIONICLE in the winter S@H catalogue is what worries me more than anything else.


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That's the first time it's been excluded from the catalog since it came out... isn't it?


Maybe that's why there is no Bionicle (not that we've heard of) in Lego Universe.



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I know people WANT BIONICLE in Lego Universe, but are they not including it? Interesting...


And yeah, I can't remember a time when it wasn't in the Catalog. I'll comb through some of the old ones to check.

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I remember ones before that did not have Bionicle in them, so I wouldn't worry. They're just trying to show off the new sets they released at the last minute.

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Not really. As I recall Bionicle hasn't gotten much spotlight in a while, and if it did it would probably just be the larger sets.


It's all about Lego Star Wars right now. It practically took up half the catalog. <_<

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I don't think it's such a big deal. As I remember it, I think that happened last year in one of their several Christmas catalogs. I never really saw any reason for there to be like, three catalogs for Christmas.

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Lol, didn't even think about that. Given that I'm never truly sure what day it is, not too surprising. My assumption would be the "Holiday Catalog", it being November and all. (I think?)
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