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Stupid Script Writers... -.-

Metallic O'Dalek


Recent Movies Which I Have Waited Since Their Announcement To See
G.I. Joe
Transformers 2
Speed Racer

Recent Movies Which I Have Waited Since Their Announcement To See Which I Have Either Not Been Allowed To See Or Have Not Wanted To See Upon Release
Transformers (Was only allowed to see it for the first time this last June)
Trandformers 2 (Not allowed to see)
G.I. Joe (Read the reviews, WAY too violent. Plus there's the whole "Accelerator Suit" thing...)
Speed Racer (Don't even get me started on this one)

Upcoming Movies Which I Have Been Waiting Since Their Announcement To See Which Will Most Likely Also Be Ruined For Me
Maximum Ride

That last one is based on the trend seen in the first two. <_<


Recommended Comments

Agreed. It's an awful situation - wanna see those movies, but ya either can't or hate 'em if ya do. Grr.


*attempts to not get started*

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