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Do You Ever Wonder. . .



. . . if some of the people we label as being insane are actually just tuned into a different reality that exists simultaneously to the accepted consensus reality? If that's the case, then our condemnation of these people says more about us than it does about them. It is a symptom of our fear of the unknown.


Actually, I'm starting to be convinced on a deeper and deeper level that we really do create our own reality through our beliefs about what is real. Our perceptions aren't really a one-to-one representation of what's "out there," because they are merely a virtual reality created in our minds based on electrical frequency signals transmitted from the body to the brain to the mind, and edited by over 50% along the way according to our expectations of reality. So it really is all in your head, so to speak.


Modern science knows beyond doubt that solid matter is an illusion. Magnify matter enough and you find it is made up of multidimensional, probabilistic waveforms that collapse into apparently solid, definite particles only when observed. Also, the properties of those particles are influenced by the expectations of the observer. This is proven science. What we seem to have a problem with is the logical, natural implication of this knowledge. It's too far beyond the ken of what we've been conditioned all our lives to believe about the world and our place in it.


I just thought I'd put that out there. Because I think this is something we're all going to have to come to terms with eventually.


Picture may or may not be related.






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I'm still not convinced everything around isn't just a ploy to make me believe this reality is real, when I'm perhaps hooked up to machine in some government experiment because I'm so special. (Yeah, you'd deny that could happen, but of course you would, because you're just part of the conspiracy!) :P


Anyway, yeah, food for thought. Also, one of the better make-you-think Calvin and Hobbs comics. Is it sad that I can actually follow the Dad's logic?



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Me and my sister talked about this once as a joke, but it got too complicated.


It's strange. In one of the more recent episodes of Shippuden, Itachi gave a small speech that fits this perfectly.


"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true?" Merely vague concepts... their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?" ~ Uchiha Itachi.

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Also, one of the better make-you-think Calvin and Hobbs comics. Is it sad that I can actually follow the Dad's logic?

No more sad than how I can follow it with you. :wacko:


In times like this, I like to wonder whether or not everything we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel around is all just an illusion, and that in reality, we are all just humans trapped in a multidimensional, all-encompassing, omnipotent robot-controlling computer program known as "The Matrix". Just food for thought, that. B)



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I'm still not convinced everything around isn't just a ploy to make me believe this reality is real, when I'm perhaps hooked up to machine in some government experiment because I'm so special. (Yeah, you'd deny that could happen, but of course you would, because you're just part of the conspiracy!) :P


Anyway, yeah, food for thought. Also, one of the better make-you-think Calvin and Hobbs comics. Is it sad that I can actually follow the Dad's logic?



That actually makes sense to me. I would think of "the machine" as representing the universe and "the government" as representing a misguided cosmic AI.


Through seemingly plausible chains of logic, a mind can convince itself of just about anything, no matter how absurd or patently false. Which is why we can't rely on that part of ourselves alone when we're seeking truth.


Me and my sister talked about this once as a joke, but it got too complicated.


It's strange. In one of the more recent episodes of Shippuden, Itachi gave a small speech that fits this perfectly.


"People live their lives bound by what they accept as correct and true. That's how they define "reality". But what does it mean to be "correct" or "true?" Merely vague concepts... their "reality" may all be a mirage. Can we consider them to simply be living in their own world, shaped by their beliefs?" ~ Uchiha Itachi.

When you drill right down to the essence of it, it's actually beautifully simple. Our minds just like to pretend it's all too complicated to take in.


I like this quote from the excellent movie The Limits of Control: "Reality is subjective."


Also, one of the better make-you-think Calvin and Hobbs comics. Is it sad that I can actually follow the Dad's logic?

No more sad than how I can follow it with you. :wacko:


In times like this, I like to wonder whether or not everything we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel around is all just an illusion, and that in reality, we are all just humans trapped in a multidimensional, all-encompassing, omnipotent robot-controlling computer program known as "The Matrix". Just food for thought, that. B)



Hold onto that thought. Who knows, someday you might surprise yourself at just how close to the mark it is. B)





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