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Nothing Says Family Time...



Like Black Friday. Not thanksgiving, Black Friday. On that note, happy thanksgiving.


Anyway, essentially, no matter how annoyed we are, Black Friday always brings my family together. Why? Well, it's become something of a family practice.


It started two or three years ago when my brother got his license. He and I have always hunted Black Friday ads for deals, but once he got his license we could go places early in the morning we actually started using them. Over time it's gone from a simple plan of him going into one store where we have less and, since I can run faster, me running down to the closest store we were also stopping at and us meeting at the car, to store maps and paths, to now, where we have multiple people doing multiple portions of different operations in it for the overall plan for maximum return.


We take Black Friday too seriously if it wasn't evident. And because I hate those kinds of people, let me say now that we wouldn't have been amongst that mob that trampled that guy last year. I was disgusted that something like that happened to someone who just did their job, so while I may take Black Friday seriously, I don't take it that seriously.


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One of my coworkers is taking it so seriously that she's going to be at this Old Navy store like an hour away when it opens at 3am.
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