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Masterpiece Is An Understatement



I've been fairly indifferent towards the Japanese Transformers Masterpiece line. It started with Optimus, then there was Ultra Magnus (aka Optimus White). I've seen pics of Starscream, but for whatever reason nothing really impressed me until I saw this pic:



That's right boys and girls, Megatron's getting a makeover. But it's no tank, or car, or whatever other forms he's been forced into in the years since Generation 1 ended. Nope, this time he's back to the old ways. MP-5 will be Megatron in his original Walther P-38 glory.


Of course, due to US toy laws and customs policies Megatron cannot be shipped to the US as is. Instead, importers will be forced to add some form of orange modification to the barrel. This will hopefully be done in a manner that won't harm the overall quality of the toy, but it's still unfortunate. Sure, they can try to ship him as is. But any sightings coming over seas will immediately be dealt with. Most likely in a manner that ends up leaving both parties without the figure.


I'll have to put some serious consideration into this one, because this is probably the best chance a lot of us will ever have at owning the original Gun Megatron. In the meantime, I may have to pick up his Nerfier cousin in the Classics line to tide me over.


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