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Nge Again, This Time An Opinion!(probably The Last Entry On It For A While Too)




It will mess up your mind worse than that picture of Sting. And people reading this, please, don't go look up that picture of Sting. ~ Another forum I'm on.
"What is this show's plot even supposed to be leading up to anymore?" "I'm not really sure, but they're paying us, aren't they?" ~ A conversation probably had by the voiceactors, animators, editors, network execs, and everyone else involved in it's production near the final episodes, other than the writers.
It's a mech show the same way Twin Peaks was a cop show." ~ A wiki with forums.
If I wanted to do an analysis of people who are mentally screwed up, I'd go to a goth bar. But goth bars don't have mechs, so I'm watching this. ~ Another forum.

(Why do I keep putting things in spoilers relating to this show? Because I know somewhere someone will go on a tirade about how I spoiled the ending for them if I don't)
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As comedically negative as the quotes are, I actually enjoyed the series. It could get a bit messed up at times, and the ending was a bit anticlimactic, and for most of the series the cast wasn't that likable, but it managed to pull it all together and make an entertaining and fairly fulfilling, if not some strange and mildly disappointing due-to-all-the-hype, anime.

Plus it's only 26 episodes, so even if you don't enjoy it that much there's not a terrible amount to watch, and you'll finally understand what people mean when they talk about how everyone else's crazy theories about what the ending actually meant don't fit their crazy theory about what the ending actually meant and therefore can't be true, or how their theory actually is a part of another theory! I can't comment on End Of Evangelion though, as, from the recommendations of Wrack/Hime and Gato/Desu/whatever she's calling herself right now, I'm at the very least going to take some time to get detached from it since everyone seems to be saying it's a depressing kill-em-all alternate ending.

I will say this though; what is with the obsession and sexualization of Rei by so much of the fanbase? I suppose she was a cute character, and that one Rei sacrificing herself/itself to save Shinji was sweet or some other fitting word, but she's a synthetic, homegrown 14-year old, it's both creepy and pedophilic. What the heck?

But, either way, I do recommend it. As usual, content warnings: Blood, language, cannibalism by nonhuman beings, mindscrewing, death, mechs, wangst, severely messed-up characters, a protagonist who's unlikable for a while, very strange symbolism, an ending you may hate, existentialism, philosophy, psychology, very weird plot points, an insanely cute penguin, and potential nostalgia.


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Wait, as in he does it to Rei while she's in a coma, or as in he's in a coma and while in it, it happens in his "dreams"?

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The manga version of that scene's cooler. If I remember right, instead of what happens in the movie, she tries to strangle Shinji when he starts screaming at her to wake up.


German Engineering: from coma to strangling in 3 seconds.



Asuka doesn't really deserve it. *frowny face* She's the way she is because her mom killed herself and her doll version of Asuka. The feelings of being ignored and rejected by her mother that way, at that young of an age...screwed her up good, to say the least. TBH, I find her one of the most tragic characters in NGE.

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@Wrack: True, but if it has to be Asuka or Rei, I'd prefer Asuka.


@Teebs: Fair enough, though the fact she doesn't seem to even try to come to terms with her past like the other characters still makes me dislike her a bit.

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@Teebs: Fair enough, though the fact she doesn't seem to even try to come to terms with her past like the other characters still makes me dislike her a bit.


She does, and goes into a Blue Screen of Death when she tries. Because of her mental problems, admitting she's not perfect at all, which she would need to do to try and come to terms with her past, results in a complete breakdown.




I seriously wonder if the Second Impact wiped out all the therapists. The presence of even one at NERV would have helped out so much.

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Sounds goo- holy cow


i just figured out the ultimate truth of evangelion


what gainax was trying to say all along


its nothing about needing to love others and needing others love


the true message is that without psychologists we are all screwed



So remember children, not everyone is lucky enough to have a caring psychologist like you do, so always appreciate that you have one. Give yours a hug the next time you see them. Because they're all that's keeping you from being used as a tool by a secret division of the UN to fight giant aliens that want to turn everyone into Tang.

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Teebs, now I remember why I like you so much.


Either way though, since it was Asuka, not Rei, this still brings up the matter of "Why are so many NGE fans sexualizing a man-made 14-year old girl"?

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Teebs, now I remember why I like you so much.


Either way though, since it was Asuka, not Rei, this still brings up the matter of "Why are so many NGE fans sexualizing a man-made 14-year old girl"?

Because they're lonely.

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