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Two Zero Zero Nine



Well, it being the time of year, I feel like owe it to you guys to tell you that I still remember this blog, your blogs, this site, and how my life ranconcurrently with the blog entries.


Guess you can say I'm coming home.


It's been busy. I've moved from my last town, Framingham, to the town next to it, Ashland.


Finances finally caught up with us, and now I'm roomates with my amigo Thiago, whom I've known literally since his birth (I was sleeping in the waiting room with mommy holding me while he was busy getting out of the stork's bag, you can say) with my mom and sister renting rooms in his parent's house, which is close to the Framingham/Ashland line.


Have to say, living like this is tiring and at the same time, all the freedom in the world. Let's run through a daily rountine.


6-7 AM- Wake up, shower and all that jazz, BOUNCE.


7-8 AM- Try to make to school on time, stay there until it gets out at 2 PM.


2-??? PM- Hang out after school, rehearsal for school play, if no school play- hang with amigos until probably 5.


???-??? PM- Find a friend's house to stay at or (a) friend(s) to hang out with, wait for a ride home or get a ride home from a friend.


Whatever-time-I-get-home - when-I-sleep PM(or AM)- Do homework.


The majority of each day since moving here back in mid-October is spent outside of the house. A blessing and a curse, really. Relaxing doesn't usually fit in here.


Around October, I got myself a girlfriend. See if I can wash away any lingering thoughts of the previous relationship. Unfortunately, even after a year, I couldn't feel actual feelings for her. And she saw that.


We broke up, no tragedy.


I'm still a part of the Drama Company, and working for it is harder then ever now. Since we were invited to join and perform at the World's biggest theater Festival in Edinborough, The Fringe, we're trying to pull off something no one else is really crazy enough to do.


Send 75 people across the Atlantic.


You see, when you add up everything needed for such a trip (two weeks in a hotel, airfare, food, the works), it's price-y.


Like 5000 dollars kinda price-y.


So, what's a guy gotta do to get there?


Labor. :P


I worked the summer with my dad again, saving up 1800 dollars, all of which is already invested into the payments for the Fringe. The head of the Drama Company, Donna, is helping out with the payments as well, and told me to worry about fundraising and I'll be doing my part.


So, after continuingly busting my butt, I can say Donna was pretty happy to hear my name pop up so much at the last Scotland meeting. After raising 400 dollars in a UNOs fundraiser, getting a 300 dollars donation from a woman who wanted her yard raked (Big yard + Landscaper-for-a-dad Experience = Me) and dubbed me hardest worker, assisting an eBay fundraiser (ON-GOING)and a Papa Ginos fundraiser(this Wednesday), most of the parents who attended the meeting said I deserved a break.


Well, it was fun...


...think I'll do some more.



I miss you guys.




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It's nice to see a fellow actor/actress on here. I just wish I could go to Scotland.... My troupe isn't that good though.


It's good to "see" you back again. :) Are you around to stay or this another temporary "check-in" like when you reappeared a few months back?


:kaukau: -JG

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Aho: *gentle slap*


JG: The problem with what happened a few months back was that the server went down the day after I came back. OH JOY.


Rocky: You couldn't do that back whewn I was here every day. :P



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