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Win And Fail Post...

Popup2: The Camel


Well, I just wrote a long post so I wanted to post it here too ^^


Here be the link


2001: Well, at that time I was pretty young and didn't follow the story that much but I still love that year because of its newness/shinyness and the sense of something epic on its way ^^

2002: Hmm...That was the year with the bhorak right? Well, I thought it was kinda cool, but a little boring. I thought it was kind of stupid that the enimies were all the same and that the ones that weren't the same were so expensive.

2003: Was pretty cool because of the newness of the Toa Nuva, which I thought at the time were the coolest. But I didn't like half the year, because they again used the same enemies.... not very exiting but it was great filler... Although, the second half of the year I loved. I still think the Rhakshi are the best, maybe second best, posable thing they have ever made. Almost all the sets that year were awesome.

2004:I love how they were coming back the sense of newness which seems so important to selling a year. I just love 2004 IMO it was the best year they ever made. I loved the movie. I probably watched it a hundred times :D I loved it that much. I loved all the new technology. And I still miss the time period till this day.

2005:Hmm...After this year was when I left for a while. I guess I didn't like the evil side of Bionicle. Up until now, they have always been good heroes that always did good. But that changed back then. As I look back there, I don't like that time of story line, I guess I would have liked it more if I had followed the story line, but it still wasn't a very good year for me.

2006: Ahh...2006...At that time, and still now, I thought the new area was kind of stupid. But I thought of it that way because, at that time I started to leave the range of age that bioncle targets. I thought, from what I did see, that that year was kind of stupid. But as I look back at the story line, I love the story at that time. Its interesting and took me a while to figure it all out which I like.

2007: Ahh....Now that was a great year, at least set wise.... Well, first of all, I believe it is the only series of sets like the Baraki... THEY WERE AWESOME! None of them were the same. One reason I didn't like 2006 was because there were 3 titans and 2 groups for 6 that were all the same except for color. The baraki were completely different. I think they really need to do that again. But...One thing I don't like about the year is the story line. I thought, and still do, that the idea of a Great Being dieing, was just stupid and imposible... I mean, for the last 6 years we heard about the "Great Spirit" Mata Nui, and it just seemed ubsured to me that he could die. That Year I also watch from "afar off", occasionally watching what happened but not really interested in the story. But by the end of that year I really started to get back into the story line. Cause I wanted to know what happend.

2008: I always thought it was cool that there was going to be more light matoran. The epic battle was certainly a reason why I got back. But I still think they could have done a little bit better story line, but I do think the ended the main story line there pretty nicely.

2009: Its getting near the end of the Year so I think I can tell fully what I think of this year. Well, since they started advertising to younger kids, I was kind of turned off of the story line. It was just that cheesy narator on the videos, I'm telling you. It made it look so stupid. But I do own a few of the sets, mostly because they were cool or I wanted to have them for other reasons besides the story line. I own Tuma because I got him on sale for pretty cheep, I own Mata-nui small, mostly because.....ITS MATA NUI, when I found out he was going to be a set I was like "I have to have him". So I got him. Well before all that, I got Malum, because when I went to Legoland I wanted to get a bionicle, cause it was LEGOLAND ^^ so I got him along with some of the comic book books. So I like the sets that have now, but I wouldn't like to spend more money getting the same basic set unless it was pretty important.


So Since I didn't really put my Fail and Win years I put it again: And the scale is on a scale of 1 to 10.

2001: WIN Scale: 10

2002: Fail Scale: 4

2003: Win Scale: 8

2004: WIN!!!!!!!!! Scale: 10!

2005:Win for the drakness Scale: 7

2006: Fail for sets but win for story, Scale: 5

2007: EPIC WIN! Scale 9 because of story line

2008: Fail because it ended the matanui universe story :( scale:9 because the other stuff that was happening in the universe at the same time.

2009: Fail Scale:2


So there ya have it....


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