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The Ghost Of Future Christmas Past



Mixed Choir Twinkle just gave its first Christmas concert of the season. The church was packed, more so than at the same event last year. We performed together with a children's choir and a few soloists. The highlight of our choir's portion was a cantata, "Come, Lord Jesus," with words by a well-known poet who was sitting in the audience, and music composed by our own director. It was rather an awesome experience to perform it for the first time. We get to do it again this Sunday. ^_^


The children's performance brought a tear to my eye at one point. The reason why is kinda strange. I was hearing them for the first time, and they sang very well. I was really enjoying their music and feeling the Christmas spirit, when all of a sudden my mind jumped to a different place. I suddenly viewed the whole situation from the perspective of the future. A future when everything would be irrevocably different. I felt, deep down, that this would be the last "normal" Christmas ever. It made me so sad, but at the same time, it made me appreciate everything that much more. It felt like the most important thing in the world to be one with that precious experience, to be present in those fleeting, shared musical moments.


I know most of you just recently finished celebrating the American official day for giving thanks aka turkey day, but I want to remind everyone, including myself, to be thankful for what we have. Because, quite simply, there are no guarantees. Whatever the future may bring, I hope that we will all have the strength, courage, and serenity to face it with no fear, but peace in our hearts.


"Peace be unto you."




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I wish people would realize that, and I myself am no different--but people really do not realize all the things they should be thankful for. I remember living in Kyrgyzstan and, even though I was very young, I realized how many people in the world would do anything for a decent meal, and that does not mean a huge Thanksgiving one.


'Tis the season for giving.

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We are fortunate indeed.


Kyrgyzstan, you say? Wow, you're the first person I've ever met who's lived there. B) FTW.



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