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I'm Still Standing



*Watches tumbleweed roll past* Yes, I am still here. I've been extremely busy this last week, which is a pretty poor excuse for not updating, I know. But still, I'm back.


One of the many things I've been doing is sorting out my vast mountain of Bionicle/Technic parts. Into colours. This is about half of it:


IPB Image


As you can see, there's wonderful colours like pearl dark gold, pearl dark grey, copious amounts of white, an abundance of silver, a bit of yellorange, metallic blue, glitter transparent, and even...three purple parts.


It's also interesting - but not that interesting - to note that the only Lego set I still have built is...Vezon. What does that say about me? :P




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Even if you don't have him built, seeing Fenrakk rise from that would look awesome.

It would. I've still got Fenrakk's head, actually - I could add that in. His body, unfortunately, is scattered across several different bags.


Alas, poor Fenrakk, I knew him well.



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May I steal your copious amounts of brown and tan? ...And is that bag in the middle entirely iron grey? May I steal it, too?


*ahem* ... I suddenly realized that I can picture Vezon playing Hamlet. Holding Fenrakk's skull while sitting beside a grave...

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May I steal your copious amounts of brown and tan? ...And is that bag in the middle entirely iron grey? May I steal it, too?


*ahem* ... I suddenly realized that I can picture Vezon playing Hamlet. Holding Fenrakk's skull while sitting beside a grave...

Good idea about the Hamlet scene, I'll do that next.


Unfortunately, you may not steal those bags, 'cos they happen to be my favourite colours. :rolleyes:



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All of my BIONICLE sets from 2001-2005 are taken apart, except for the six Toa Olda and Roodaka. All my 2006 sets that I have so far are still built... but in the hopes of rebuilding my collection, I am sorting all my parts by color too!



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Well how about that generous amount of copper you got there Seran, you surely don't need that anymore. :P


While you sort by colors, I sort by years. :P

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I think it means you like Vezon. So lucky to have all those pieces... maybe after I go garage-sailing next year. I haven't sorted my Bionicle pieces in a while. Maybe I should after the contest. I still have all my bricks seperated.


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Three bags of brown and tan parts! Lucky you... Not to mention the light blue bag.


I hope you have fun with all of 'em!

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Vezon does remind of the hamlet scene, I can't believe you're that organised, all my pieces are in two giant boxes all mixed up and so.


P.S Seran, when's the Toa Xion-spoiler going to be shown on the blog?


Soon, don't worry.



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Ouch. People seeing green by looking at that picture puts my own collection into embarrassing perspective. If that's half of yours, then my collection is roughly twice the full amount. And it's never enough, is it... Ai ai ai... maybe it is time to start selling it all off online. A MOCist's heart is a greedy one...



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BCii, that's only half of my Bionicle collection. My System collection is about four times the size. I got loads free from Legoland you see.



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Vezon does remind of the hamlet scene, I can't believe you're that organised, all my pieces are in two giant boxes all mixed up and so.


P.S Seran, when's the Toa Xion-spoiler going to be shown on the blog?


Soon, don't worry.




Oooh spooky, also I'll be PMing you soon


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Oy.gimme an orange ruru,would ya?

Wow Seran.I`m amazed.I dont believe you have all these many parts.I feel like stealing them all.



I would, but I don't have an orange Ruru.





Then give me 10 ball joints,Jaller`s mask,axxon`s mask and a grey Hau

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