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I Think It's Really Laughable

Jonestown Bartender


How some people complain they have no access to means of production when a $300 cheep-o laptop has more memory, is at least three times as fast, and has so much better processing power then the computer used to monitor and control Apollo 11.



You have a more powerful computer then the machine used to send people to the freaking moon.

The freaking moon.

You're problem isn't that you have no access, it's that your too stupid to use the amazing tools you already have.



Now for the people thinking "well I'm not talented/original/creative enough!";



Unless you live under an internet rock you should of heard of Fred by now, if a 16 year old screaming nonsensical gibberish into his camera can get 1,000,000 subscribers I'm sure you can do something.


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Apollo 11 was also 40 years ago. Our definition of top-of-the-line now and what it was then are two totally different things.


More importantly, the guys that controlled that mission went to college and learned how to use these machines.


I'm sure by now NASA's got way more advanced technology than your $300 cheap-o laptop.

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Thats the point, people were sent to the moon using what is now junk.


Thats the second point, you can learn how to use this thing for free, on the internet, at anytime.


The only reason you don't know is because you don't want to.

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it's even more laughable that with all our wonderful sophisticated technology that we aren't on mars by now.




everyone should put their thinking cap on *squish* and apply their creativity...and by that I mean making money online, it's dreadfully easy and once you make like ten bucks everything can be outsourced to a bunch of indians who work for a few cents an hour and boost profit margins even higher...and that's just the legal side of it all


edit: oh i guess this was about videos or images or something creative..oh well :P

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