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Hmm, I Wonder..



Well, my left leg is acting up.. It's seriously starting to hurt to even walk. I made a list of what happened to my leg, and it's somewhere in this blog, but I'm lazy :P .


I'm considering going to a doctor, but I wonder if it's just growth pains or not. The doc who performed the surgery said there shouldn't be any pain after the swelling and whatnot had gone down. The problem: it hurt two months after, and the pain now is increasing week after week. Dr. House would most likely say "Well, apparently the doctor messed up and put in a bad screw, but maybe you can get a screw driver and just take it out yourself *sarcastic smirk*." :pirate:


And as for today, nothing special happened. My English teacher came back, she seemed fine. The funniest thing is that she's on pain medication and it's making her completely loopy :wacko: . She's usually an on-task teacher, but today we went from somewhat of a depressing poem to her unusual family tree. (Don't ask)


Exams are coming up, for all of us I'm pretty sure. First exam is December 14, which is Bible. December 15 is 4th and 7th, but my 7th hour doesn't have an exam so it's just 4th hour which is Spanish. That's the killer. December 18 is 1st and 5th hour which is Biology and English (3 subjects for English: Grammer, Spelling, and Literature). And the last day, December 19, is 3rd and 6th hour which is World Geography and Geometry. I may be wrong, but I think I'm close.


Still alot of work ahead though.


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