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Laptop Sticker



I don't know how it is for all brands of laptops, but my Toshiba laptop came with a sticker on it when I bought it. It was a basic one under the keyboard, that surrounded the touch mouse pad. It had some of the specifications for the laptop, but it also had a image of movie Optimus Prime, which was cool. (It was an image from the first movie, I think, because that had just come out when I bought it) So even though it was unnecessary, I kept it.


But then a while ago it started peeling, and it was annoying me as I tried to type. So, after close to two years, I peeled it completely off and tossed it. (The sticker). That left a blank spot on my laptop that just looked weird. I didn't know what to do with myself. :crying:


But then... inspiration! I found these unused stickers I got from BrickCon. So now I have a big Lego sticker on my laptop under the keyboard. I think it represents me even better, because I'm not a huge Transformers fan, but I am a big Lego fan. :happydance:



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But won't you hand just irritate that and make it peel too?


But cool.


I've got a few stickers to the very right that aren't bothered constantly: A warning, Intel Pentium inside sticker, Vista and Energy star. (I feel like putting a Ubuntu sticker next to the Vista, and pretty soon I should hopefully be able to replace the Vista with 7.)


Does your laptop have any patters or designs on the shell? Mine did, which made me feel like I shouldn't put any stickers on it. (I finally put a Relient K sticker i the corner.)



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