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Wip Pix



I still would like to know any thoughts you guys have on my current project!

@ staff: this is not a comments drive; I simply want to know what my fellow MoCists have to say on the topic. ;)

Since I posted this last week, I have fixed the lower legs so that they integrate more technic, and I think I've got a good upper leg design.I still need to change the arm cannon and add a head. The back isn't done yet either. We're getting close!

(all of that ^^^ in response to the first comments)


Please forgive the picture quality. They are WIP pix after all. ;)


Ok, so here he is:




[1] [2] [3] [4]


As I have mentioned before, he was inspired by DV's Transtech Shockwave.

All comments and criticisms are welcome (though preferably constructive).

So... thoughts?


Also: Name change! (sorry CF, I just wanted to try something new ;))




Recommended Comments

I like what I see so far. Is this going to be a monopod or biped? I can see it going either way, but I think I prefer monopod. That's what I thought it was when I saw the lower leg/wheelfoot assembly, but then I read something about duplicating that bit.


Anyway, I'd suggest changing the hand and/or corresponding arm; the discontinuity between the flared Inika arm and hand isn't doing it any favors. At the very least, I'd dump the Viking horn claws. Also, change the 2x2 dish on the eye to a transparent color.


It's hard to tell without better pics, but the back part under the spines looks like it could be too blocky, and I'm not sure what's up with the black ball joint there. I do like the engine bit, and some glowy bits in the end there would be cool.

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I like what I see so far. Is this going to be a monopod or biped? I can see it going either way, but I think I prefer monopod. That's what I thought it was when I saw the lower leg/wheelfoot assembly, but then I read something about duplicating that bit.


Anyway, I'd suggest changing the hand and/or corresponding arm; the discontinuity between the flared Inika arm and hand isn't doing it any favors. At the very least, I'd dump the Viking horn claws. Also, change the 2x2 dish on the eye to a transparent color.


It's hard to tell without better pics, but the back part under the spines looks like it could be too blocky, and I'm not sure what's up with the black ball joint there. I do like the engine bit, and some glowy bits in the end there would be cool.

You know, I really haven't thought of the possibility of doing a monopod... I kindof like that idea, but I'll toy with it.


I'm not entirely sure what you meant with your advice about the arm. What do you mean by "flared" Inika arm? I don't quite see the discontinuity you referenced...

I sortof envisioned the "claws" for ripping opponent's metal structures, hence the viking horns. Good suggestion on the trans dish though.


I can see how you would think that about the back jet area, but I'm not quite done with it yet. I still need my Pridak set to come in so I can. There are several more fins I need to add, which will then cover up that area.


Thanks for the thoughts Arpy! :)



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Ooh, I'm impressed bro. You have definately improved. I need to do homework now, but when I get back, I'll give you my thoughts.



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I'm not entirely sure what you meant with your advice about the arm. What do you mean by "flared" Inika arm? I don't quite see the discontinuity you referenced...

I sort of envisioned the "claws" for ripping opponent's metal structures, hence the viking horns. Good suggestion on the trans dish though.

Well, with the Inika leg, the ankle is set on an axis aligned with the knee joint. The front of the leg hugs this axis pretty tightly, whereas the back flares out. While the hand on your MOC is aligned with this axis, it's got the flared bit up in front of it, sort of like a fin on the top of his arm, which looks odd.


If you're set on the claws, might I suggest the newer, larger ones seen in the Atlantis sets? Guardian of the Deep has four in white and several more in black, plus some other nice pieces.


One other thing I noticed is that the gun arm, unlike most of the rest of the MOC, is smooth. Really smooth. I'm all for keeping the gun, but I would suggest putting some greebles, or at least less-smooth parts in between, so it's like =[[greebles]]o, where [ are the circular parts you've got and o is a ball joint.

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Sometimes having nifty ideas is nice, but you've got too many conflicting ones here from what I can see. I mean, I really have no idea where you're taking this MOC.


Upper torso indicates smooth humanoid to me, but then you have all the greebs and whatever the midsection is. Left arm could work with it, but the right arm is super smooth. But then the spikes are like wtk? Spiky -> evil -> not smooth to me.


Is that red thing the eye, or are you making a head?


Then you have the wheel legs which are pretty sleek (and hot). Doesn't match up with anything cept the smooth humanoid, which would lead me to think robotic.


I just don't know what you're trying to do, so it doesn't feel good to me. If you could explain, I could probably revise my crit.


Smooth and greeb'd are hard to balance, so good luck.


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Well, with the Inika leg, the ankle is set on an axis aligned with the knee joint. The front of the leg hugs this axis pretty tightly, whereas the back flares out. While the hand on your MOC is aligned with this axis, it's got the flared bit up in front of it, sort of like a fin on the top of his arm, which looks odd.


If you're set on the claws, might I suggest the newer, larger ones seen in the Atlantis sets? Guardian of the Deep has four in white and several more in black, plus some other nice pieces.


One other thing I noticed is that the gun arm, unlike most of the rest of the MOC, is smooth. Really smooth. I'm all for keeping the gun, but I would suggest putting some greebles, or at least less-smooth parts in between, so it's like =[[greebles]]o, where [ are the circular parts you've got and o is a ball joint.

Aha! I think I finally understand what you're getting at. You had me confused talking about the "front" and "back" of the Inika leg, when I have used it as an arm and it's backwards than normal. lol, I gotcha now. ^_^

Hmm... dunno how to fix that. I did get the design from DV afterall.


Good suggestion with the claws; I didn't know that they had a simple pin connection and not an axle one, which is good to know. I don't really want to spend 15 bucks for them though. The main reason I added the claws was because his fingers just seem blunt without them and a little bit short too. I also like the idea of him using them as a weapon.


Yeah, I completely agree on the gun arm; I plan on changing it up a bit. I kinda just threw that together as a test to be honest.

Heh, "greebles": I like the term. :rolleyes:


Sometimes having nifty ideas is nice, but you've got too many conflicting ones here from what I can see. I mean, I really have no idea where you're taking this MOC.


Upper torso indicates smooth humanoid to me, but then you have all the greebs and whatever the midsection is. Left arm could work with it, but the right arm is super smooth. But then the spikes are like wtk? Spiky -> evil -> not smooth to me.


Is that red thing the eye, or are you making a head?


Then you have the wheel legs which are pretty sleek (and hot). Doesn't match up with anything cept the smooth humanoid, which would lead me to think robotic.


I just don't know what you're trying to do, so it doesn't feel good to me. If you could explain, I could probably revise my crit.


Smooth and greeb'd are hard to balance, so good luck.


Actually, I would say that having nifty ideas are always nice, but I also agree that attempting to combine too many can indeed be counter productive for the looks and build of a particular MoC. I understand the apparent conflict between the smooth upper torso and the midsection, but I can't make the whole thing perfectly smooth, understand. If it weren't for the white Mahri visors I wouldn't even have that element of smoothness. As I told Arpy above though, I plan on definitely tweaking the gun arm. As to the spikes, the main ones on the back are for aerodynamic fins, so to speak, which go around the jets in the back (did you take a look at all of the pictures, or just the initial one?); I still have two side fins to add once I get my Pridak in from B6. And no, the read part is not his eye; it's part of the chest and I still need to add a head.


Yes, this is supposed to be a robotic humanoid. As I said in the original entry, I'm basing the idea of him off of DV's Transtech Shockwave, which is a robot on wheeled legs with a streamlined feel to it. I don't really know how to clarify my objective for you... I guess my main motive has been to really try to work with system and dive into the Fusion business. Thus, (considering this is my first true attempt) I won't be anywhere near where DV or ToM are. Also, I just wanted to build a cool robot and have fun at the same time! :)


lol, this whole "greeble" concept is new to me. I will need to keep it in mind... :rolleyes:

Also, I understand that the WIP pics don't give a very accurate view of him and thus he is hard to understand. Sorry about that.

Just remember that MoCing is an art, and as such every MoCist will have his/her own style. ;)

Thanks so much for the crit Laka! It is much appreciated. ^_^



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