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Save My Sanity



Or at least what's left of it.


Yes, I am talking about topic revival. I mean, even Omi knows it's evil. It has to be a direct spawn of the devil. You kill it, and it just keeps coming back. However, we can fight topic revival. Oh yes. JUST DON'T REVIVE TOPICS! Here, I've even composed a list of topic revival periods in every forum. Well, I did this months and months ago, but it's still accurate. Please, help me out here. I still have a contest to assist in, I can't be dying on you guys now.


Q&A- generally none

Contest Voting forum - none

BZP Library- generally none

BS01- generally none

Blogs - none


Sets- 20

Collectibles- 20

BBC- 20

Artwork I- 20

Artwork II- 20

Artwork III- 20

G&T- 20

B/S/T- 20

Marketplace Banter- 20

BZP Voting Booth- 20


News Discussion/Talkback- 30

RPG- 30

LGD- 30

COT- 30

S&T- 30

Promotions- 30

Software- 30

M&B- 30

GD- 30


Recommended Comments

I don't notice it that much. :blink: The closest I came to finding it was a one-day-off reival (which annoys the heck out of me). But I'll make a content block in my blog for this. :)
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I added one for you. Just for clarification. Oh, and this is also bookmarked on my 'Refer to' list, along with mine and Tufi's Public Service Announcements.
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Nice compliationess! I didn't know some of those forums could have revivals...

Actually, there is no revival rule in the Library forums, for any topic. About 99% of them are creatively driven, and thus excluded from a revival limit. :D

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