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Y'know, it's really, really weird when you can actually feel yourself maturing. :blink:


The emotion is a mix of like... a sense of pride, followed by a sense of nostalgia for the times beforehand.


In other news, there isn't too much goings-on lately, so the CWU will cover both last week and this week.


Also, it seems that the 12 Days of BZPower has ended, and so us lucky 12 will be sent to Willy Won-- err, I mean, receiving 3 Prototype parts each. :lol:


To cap it all of, I'm struggling with myself to renew my self-discipline to learning Kemet. I'll tell you, it seems a bit easier to learn two languages (Spanish and Kemet) at the same time, because it aids the vision of seeing beyond a word as a word, but the word as a title, the addressed article bearing many. "Nuk", "I", "Yo"... they all mean the same thing -- me as an individual -- then I see them as titles to call myself. It's a weird perspective to look at it, I know, but it's the way I learn, and I'm learning it fairly well. ;)


Also, working with learning the various possesive suffixes for Kemet and how they compare with possesive articles in Spanish. Very cool to see entirely different cultures' languages utilizing different grammar to acheive the same goal. :D


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You know, I'm in Spanish myself at my high school. But obviously they don't teach any Egyptian languages like Kemet there, so I don't know that language, like you and Toa Ausar do.


How similar is that to Ancient Egyptian, by the way? I know there are differences, but what are they, exactly?



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Haha. I can feel myself maturing as well. I guess that's the curse of growing up. I'm in spanish myself, only because it's the only language my school offers.

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