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How The Party Went




It was crazee. For my first party with high school friends, it was pretty crazy.

Okay so I got there with a friend and everyone went downstairs into this little area of the apartment building's basement. It was kind of like an apartment only waaay smaller. Like, there were three rooms and a bathroom and they were all tiny.

So we got in there, put on some music, got out fruits and chips, and danced. Some highlights were my Rickrolling them, "Bye Bye Bye" being played over and over, rap, and all your classic, cliche party songs.

The cake that was had was red velvet, and it was delicious.

I think the best part was at the very end, though. So I call mom and dad, who are waiting in the Starbucks at the corner right next to the house. I tell them that I'll be there in a minutes. When I announce my leave to everyone, we made a plan to all go out, and cha cha to Starbucks. We were pretty loud. xP
So we get to Starucks and I'm dismissed. But it's not over yet!
They had decided to go around the entire block, so by the time I exited Starbucks I met up with them again. So they all turned around to the direction I was going, and we marched down the street singing "When the Saints go marching down!" or "Weeeee are the champions, my friends..." and more. When we reached the end of the street, we huddled together and sang "We Will Rock You," and then had a huge hug before my mom pulled me out of the crowd and we finally left.

Woooo good times

*points down to previous entry/character content block with Lelouch for feedback*


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