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Art Extension, Twisted Island Finished, Etc.



Re: previous blog entry:


The Multiverse Guide Art contest is now extended another two weeks. The new deadline is Monday February 1st, midnight EST. That's two extra weeks.


Reasoning being, besides there being so many art slots still untaken, I'm still too busy right now to put everything together for judging, and wouldn't mind another two weeks to catch up with stuff. :)



In other news, my epic Twisted Island has now been completely posted. :)


Over the next few weeks, I plan to continue the Unseen blog-exclusive short epic, repost the two Altacosmos Chronicles (lost in the Dataclysm), and (hopefully) finally get the results of the other recent Bones Blog contests up (:P). Hooopefully by the time that's done, I'll have enough of Endless Blue done to get started posting it, but I'm playing that one by ear


Now, go enter last-minute art. :P


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See, I've pretty much decided that I'm never going to post another epic on this site until I've totally finished it and have made a thorough revision, because I've found that nothing ever comes out quite the way I'd like it when I complete the first draft. It doesn't sound like its that way with you though, otherwise you'd wait a lot longer to post any part of Endless Blue than you probably will. :P

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I think I have plenty of confidence in writing right now, but I'm happy sticking with the write-all-then-post strategy.
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Guess what?




Oh, you weren't guessing that? Guess you aren't as bright as I thought...




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