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The Wii is wireless only, so you have to make sure your router (I'm assuming you have one) is open for it to access. Then go to the Wii Setting menu (the Wii button on the home screen), and select Wireless Connection (or something like that).


You'll have to send me your friend code once you get it working, and don't listen to them...buy Mario Bros AND Mario Kart.

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We do have a router, but it's not wireless. I'll just have to unplug TiVo and plug in the Wii win the occasion calls for it. That, or move the cable modem & router to the front room. Since we're moving in two-three months, I'm not sure it will happen soon.


Mario Kart is a future possibility, but Mario Bros. is going to be quite a stretch. The first two we plan to pick up are Wii Fit+ and Wii Sports Resort.

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You can also buy a LAN adapter for the Wii (I believe the MSRP is $19.99). That should connect to your wired router.


And yes, go for Mario Kart. Multiplayer rocks, plus It's easily one of the best Wi-Fi games on the system.

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