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Bionicle Reconstruction Program.

Element Lord of Milk


So, a while ago, soon after the announced end of Bionicle, I decided to rebuild all of my sets, including my other Lego sets, starting with my Bionicle sets, since then, I have rebuilt:Gahlok(But I still need the rubber bands, if someone could help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated), all my 08 sets(Except for Mutran, who is still being worked on), Reidak, Zaktan, Hahli Inika, Jaller Inika, Ehrye, and Tehutti. I am in the process of rebuilding most of my other Canister and small sets, but the progress is slow, seeing as, over time, my Bionicle parts have either been lost, broken, or spread across countless boxes. Sets I am close to finishing are Onewa Hordika(Only missing weapons), Pridak(Missing one foot!ONE FOOT!),Matau Metru(Missing chest armor), Nokama metru(Missing ONE weapon), Nuju Metru(One weapon), Kalmah(Missing one tentacle, ONE. BLOODY. TENTACLE.), and Hewkii Inika(Missing part of his chain, half an arm, and his Zamor launcher).


I need a lot of parts, so if you could maybe help with that, go look at my Trade Topic to look at my list of parts I need, wich will be updated.





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