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The Politics Of The Coffee Pot

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


That coffee discussion I mentioned yesterday? It's become the "Chicory Conflict," and is in danger of escalating into "Coffee Wars 2007".


DEII has purchased, or leased or something, a couple of commercial coffee-makers, to replace the coffee pots & coffee makers we seem to go through. One of the neat features of the new coffee makers is the multiple Thermos-style coffee pots, allowing different brews to be hot simultaneously. You've probably seen these things at the continental breakfast bars of hotels, with the black cylinder and the pump on top.


These coffee makers came with a supply of coffee, both off-market coffee-already-in-a-filter-packet, and coffee from Café du Monde, a local, yet nationally famous, coffee shop.

Unfortunately, neither of these is Community Coffee, the brew of choice for over half of the company that uses the coffee pots on this side of the central hallway. Denis, a designer that left Buchart-Horn for DEII after Katrina hit, has been the most vocal, and has even gone so far as to volunteer purchasing a bag of Community out of his own pocket.


This morning, the coffee pots were labeled, with yellow sticky notes, "CDM" and "Better". Burgundy, the office manager, wasn't terribly amused. Now, they are labeled "CDM" and "Brand 'X'".


Brand "X" is beating out CDM.



You might have to be an avid coffee drinker, or maybe just work in an office, to get how absolutely hilarious this is. But trust me, this is true 490'able material.



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I don't drink coffee, but I know exactly what you're talking about. I may not work in an office, but the tiny bookstore is more-or-less the same atmosphere, just with angry people that demand you know your product twenty-four-seven. ;)

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