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[Last Night]


Finished saving my work for class and halfway done with the first assignment, this involves answering a two-part discussion question. I was midway done with the first segment and my mom, dad, and kid all got back, they had left for a bit.


They got back and my mom came in and started playing the Wii, making noise behind me, then the kid came in, after she left him alone in the living room all by himself and he was eating chips…


He started asking me stuff so my mom started talking, aggravated “Leave him alone.” Making more noise and being more of a distraction than the kid was. So my mom just kept on playing Wii, and the kid went back in the living room by himself, and I went in my room to get some quite space to finish my work.


What’s she do? “What are you doing?!” She yells to check on the kid who’s all alone in the living room, while she’s playing Wii. Does that make any sense? Whenever I babysit him I never leave him alone and barely ever have to raise my voice unless he does something overtly bad.


I have work I have to do and get done, so I cannot watch the kid all times of the day and my mom is off so you would think she could watch him. Last week I barely got my work turned in on time because we had the kid so much and I’m the one that has to watch him.


If you are watching a kid and babysitting, you are supposed to spend time with them. I don’t understand how whenever I watch him I feel like more of an adult versus say my mom for example. She says he doesn’t listen, but she doesn’t listen to him.


I’m not saying you have to do whatever a three year old tells you, the world does not work that way, well if the kids are spoiled however that’s another subject all together. But when a kid asks you to draw, for crying out loud you give them something to draw with and let them color a picture. You don’t stand there and keep telling them no while you play a video game.


The whole logic they use is flawed. The kid asks for something to draw with, and they say no. So what’s he do? He gets it for himself. What do they do? They yell at him for getting it…


I don’t remember anything like this when I was a kid. It doesn’t seem like it should be that much of an issue. Then again my mom and dad were mostly working and not around so… I guess that would explain why I don’t remember much and they seem to lack the skills to parent even though they love having the little kid and taking care of him. But you can’t tell them that.


I just put a hamper on my productive day in some ways. I’ll just tune it out and keep slugging on through.



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