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So two friends and I were totally pretending to be major otakus and comic geeks when we went to various bookstores. We went to a Strand, so I was able to score two manga volumes for a dollar and fifty cents each. And then we went to some comic store and I got another manga volume. I also bought my friend two comic books she really wanted.

The volumes I got were: Code Geass: The Nightmare of Nunally (First)
Yu-gi-oh original manga (seventh)
Magic Knight Rayearth (first)
combined these make the very first manga volumes that I actually own. :o
My lucky friend also scored an original Japanese FMA manga for two bucks.

In other news my friends and I had a marshmallow war with some marshmallow guns, and it was epic. We also watch FMA, Hetalia, and Psych. And ate grilled cheese sandwiches and homemade chocolate chip cookies. And watched a computer crash seven thousand times.


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