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What I Need.



- I need to feel tired when I should go to sleep.

- I need to feel not tired for when I get up.


It's annoying when this is all backwards, cuz when I can't sleep when I should sleep, then I get bored and hungry (Though I might play ME2 until I can feel tired...). It stinks when I need to get up in the morning and all I want to do is sleep though... cuz, I got places to be, people to see, stuff to do... well, not so much recently (Felt terrible on Wednesday/Late Tuesday... huge headache, pained stomach and throat was all eww, felt better on Thursday though, less of a headache, though my stomach still tries to blow me up, or something... for all I know, my gut decided to concoct some kind of bomb it intends to use for when it conquers the world, but *shrugs*) so I guess for recent stuff, it's a bit acceptable (I mean, all I did do was type up whatever school work I needed to get done -- not a lot, given, it's spirit week and the teachers specifically assign little to no homework over the week, and classwork... it's just been reading, and looking at powerpoints and movies... really. So academically, I'm not really missing much and for what I am missing, I can go and just use up a few free periods to get all that sorted out).


I really wish though, that I felt heavily inclined to work on that SS for Feb... but I didn't, same for RPGs... my mind like, decided to shoot itself and go blank.


Now that I read through this entry, I wonder if this is at all understandable, I mean... I am still somewhat feverish, very hungry (;-; ) and my mind is tired (My physical self lacks that T.T), and I am typing this at one in the morning... and it's Spink, so of course it'll be a pain to try and understand. XP


I see all these spelling errors too... well, they're underlined red by Mozilla, and there's probably half a dozen or more grammar mistakes in there too... but, meh. This is more just to find something to type to kill my boredom, and to try and lull myself to a tired, sleepy state.


It's not working T.T





Oh and... um... >< I forgot.

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The day before, when I went to sleep, I got so hungry that I couldn't sleep at all. Yet I didn't want to get up and go into blinding light just to get a snack and still not fall asleep.

Yet when I woke up that morning I wasn't hungry. =(


And hey I understand everything you wrote. It's English, after all. =P

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