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Mt's Snow "adventure"

MT Zehvor


Well, I had a lot of free time today since the roads were all iced, so I decided to take some of my Bionicles outside and shoot pictures. MT(my self MoC) went on going for a snow "adventure" of sorts.



(That's MT)



I started outside on the balcony above the deck(if any of you read Aftermath, the balcony is where the AFL announcers stand, and the deck is where the AFL fights take place). That's where I found Omega, and he decided to join our snow adventure.


Omega joins the fun



We took several other snow pictures on the balcony...

Toa Nuva Group shot

All four Tahus together


Then we headed downstairs towards the front door. On the way, we met Kopaka and Solek, who wanted to go outside as well.


Two more friends


Kopaka and Solek turned out to be lots of fun.


I'm on a truck! I'm on a truck! Everybody look at me cause I'm sailing on a truck!


But once they saw a giant footprint, they were out of there.

I didn't know we had giants for pets...


Omega and I continued on to the backyard. We found a giant snow bear...

I don't think even Omega could eat that


..and, of course, Omega couldn't resist the opportunity to make...

A BUH SNOW ANGEL!!! (v 2.0)


We continued on for a while, taking pictures of whatever we found...

Only the bravest adventurers dare journey to the frozen pool


To be continued...


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