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Concert And Comics



Okay, I just came out with a new comic and no one has seemed to notice, so I'm going to redirect people to my comics topic to check it out. It incorporates that new idea I said I had earlier. The new idea was HAND DRAWN COMICNESS!


My CGing skills haven't developed to the point that I could CG in two days and have it out, so for now the comic is just a sketch. I'll try to improve that aspect, though. Hope you all enjoy it!


Also, I had a band concert on Monday that was with both band and choir as a Christmas concert. I must say, it was quite amazing. No, not the choir part, our part. Out of all the groups — Concert Choir, Symphonic Chorale, Show Choir, and Wind Ensemble — the Wind Ensemble was the only group to get a standing ovation. Boo-yah! I even had a solo at the end of Sleigh Ride for my trumpet — I made a horse-whinney sound. ^^;


The crowd seemed to love it, though, and they loved when we played Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24." That earned us our standing ovation.


The Concert Choir was terrible, though. And the choirs got to do more songs than the band. But, we're still the crowd favorite. ^^


And now, as usual, a physics equation. I know you've all waited for this. :P


For uniform circular motion, ΣF = mv²/r, where ΣF is the sum of the forces acting on the plane of the circle, m is mass of the object in motion, v is its velocity or speed, and r is the length of the radius.


Of course, you could also say that v²/r = a, where a is centripital acceleration, bringing us back to ΣF = ma. ^^


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The hand drawn comic wasn't too bad, pretty funny with the wall of snow thing (typical cartoon humor). Also, congratulations on your success at the band concert, it sounds like you had a good time, I wish I could have seen it (unfortunately that's impossible with me living in California and you living in a different state) I especially would have liked to see the performance of "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24" (Trans-Siberian Orchestra has some of the best original Christmas Music that I know of and "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo 12/24" is an awesome song). One more thing, would you mind stopping these physics equations, I don't understand them at all and I doubt many other readers of your blog understand them either and this one is by far the most confusing yet, my brother, Nuvaro might be able to solve the equations, but he doesn't read this blog so he is irrelevant.

-Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard

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One more thing, would you mind stopping these physics equations, I don't understand them at all and I doubt many other readers of your blog understand them either and this one is by far the most confusing yet, my brother, Nuvaro might be able to solve the equations, but he doesn't read this blog so he is irrelevant.

-Vanatu- Ta-Koro Guard

You don't find them fun and challenging? :(


Nah, I probably will stop, seeing as I haven't really learned any new equations. Maybe I'll just post a "bug of the day" or certain chemical formulas and what they look like. :P


I really like TSO's songs. They've definitely revamped Christmas classics into amazing songs.


And playing them is much more fun than listening to them. 8D


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