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Yesterday I just spent 12 hours straight at an all-day LAN party. It was at a place my brother works at called CyberJocks - a computer LAN gaming center, an arcade of sorts, not only with 48 computers (and 4 VIP private rooms) but two 15' projected screens on which is always playing SSBM and Halo 2. There's two flat screen TVs for other games (one's always used for DDR) and an internet cafe, as well as a normal cafe. Plus the BYOC section, where on good days you'll see some of the coolest custom computers ever.

My friends and I walked in at 11:00 yesterday morning, and I went for the back row near the wall. Just as I was about to ease into my computer chair, Talan pointed out three computers with "Reserved for Stephen and crew" tapes to the front of the screens. I thought it a little creepy, but then discovered my dad had called my brother to let him know we were coming.

We started off playing WarcraftIII, for several matches. Some battles were fun, one was particularly lame.
I then was playing SSBM with my brother and a guy named Zak, who was a master of wave-dashing (not to mention the irritating edge-hogging). Even in a duel with Zak, I did fairly well. I lost, but managed to get ahead of him during the game a few times.

That was followed up by some Onslaught games of UT2K4, then some SW:E@W. While waiting to be picked up, we finished with some games of a very simple top-down shooter called Zap!. Even though it was something simple enough to be made in Game Maker, it was an awesome game.

By 11:00, I was surprised but thankful I hadn't gotten a headache from playing so many games and drinking so many Bawls's (That's an energy drink, people). All in all, a crunchy day.



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That sounds like a lot of fun. Except that after such a long time of staring at screens, I know I'd have a headache. I can barely do a few hours without getting one. :P


Lucky that your bro works there. ;)



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Move to Texas. Well, they have another Cyber Jocks up in Buffalo, but we Texxorz nerds refer to them as Noob York.

BTW, you want to know how much that whole thing cost? 15$. That's all. Well, not counting the Bawls and snacks.

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