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Life Of Lady K



Lady K creatin'. :-)

Lady K cyberpunkin'. =)

Lady K "OMG, look at the time." :o

Lady K doin' homework. :-(



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(I was gonna shout "oh maN ThAT'S SOO COOL" but I thought that reply was lacking refinement and interesting vocabulary)

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Last pic was SHOPPED >=(


But seriously, that's so great, and pretty funny to boot. And I still can't get over how awesome that MoC is. Plus, the scenery is really cool. Trash basket <3

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All round very striking. The posing, the desk and lamp, the drawing impliments and board, and the trash basket. It looks very awesome and very well handled.
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(I was gonna shout "oh maN ThAT'S SOO COOL" but I thought that reply was lacking refinement and interesting vocabulary)

I agree, she is a genius. :P


Last pic was SHOPPED >=(


But seriously, that's so great, and pretty funny to boot. And I still can't get over how awesome that MoC is. Plus, the scenery is really cool. Trash basket <3

NO U. I totally drew that myself.


I love your attention to details, not just with the MOC itself but the things around it. Like the trashcan. LOVE.



LOVE right back atchoo. Now back to your self-imposed exile, mister. No cheating!


All round very striking. The posing, the desk and lamp, the drawing impliments and board, and the trash basket. It looks very awesome and very well handled.

You are too kind.


All y'all, thanks for commentin'. :D



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I just went into a fit of giggles and blushed. I'm sorta at a loss for words. Sooo many details. That trash basket is adorable...and the drawing desk...okay it all is.


And I really like my design as well--you did a good job fixing it and stuff.


Yeah baby, cyberpunkin'. ;D

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I'm so glad you like it, LK. :)


Haha, I wake up this morning and find the second pic has been blogged by the Brothers Brick. How sweet is that? That just made my whole day.



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Allow me to point out (once more) how deeply I adore that crumpled-up paper piece in the trash bin. :D

You have no idea how hard I worked on those drawings... :( :P



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