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More Stuff ( I Wish I Could Think Of More... Exciting Titles)



So I started to sign up for next year's classes today (I got the sheet a bit late, but technically, today is when you're supposed to start getting signatures). So far, I have;


- Math: Geometry, and it's Geometry next year (Technically, I should have been in Geometry this year, but they put me in Pre-Algebra in eighth grade cuz the classes for Alg-1 were all fuuuulll)

- English: I'm going with English II, mainly because all the difference is (according to my English teacher) is the workload. And since I'm also going to take two other classes based around English, he said I'd have enough on my plate. But, I'm going to go for AP English next year (Cuz it's not even on the choice list this year).

- Journal/Newspaper: I held an interest in this class when it made its debut back in October. I like to write things out, and I think this'd be a great way to really get down things like Journalism-based writing. Plus, I'd enjoy writing out my opinions on some pieces of literature/concepts floating out there.

- Creative Writing 1 (They didn't have this last year. I wish they did, and I wish I could sign up for it for both Semesters)

- French 3 (It's required, but technically, it could be my last year. I might go for French 4, despite my rather... large disliking to this class).

- History: Undecided (I decided, but I need my teacher to sign off, and she wasn't here today <<)

- Science: Undecided. I intend to ask about Chemistry, just the normal Chemistry because I know I don't qualify for AP Chem or Honors Chem (Not at the required Math-level).


Second Semester:


So far, the only change would be, being stuck in Graphic Design II instead of Creative Writing I.


So that's some fun stuff from the life of Spink and how he plans to go into his Sophomore year. As for his actual life, not much because nothing really happens in Spring. Being sick frequently/ME2/Actually having a responsibility to BZP would be about it. Though, in fall or maybe earlier in summer, I think I might try and see if I can fly back over to Houston to hang out with my awesome friends there. (Anything interesting that can happen to me, happens if there's a plane my family can afford... which is the case for BrickFair, so I'll definitely be there. Well, there's a chance I won't be, but this chance is slim, so I'm going to go about it with a positive attitude. Plus -- I love the dates of it this year, now I don't need to take off a day or two of school [Which wasn't that big of a deal at the time, because it was still introductory week and I already met all the teachers and had all the work all finished and squared away]).



For things like projects;


- Working on a SS for February 14th. I got inspired a bit from Alice in Wonderland and that... Imaginarium movie, I'll never remember the full title :P

- Working on a SS for English, it's boring though. Maybe that's because I never do take interest in making a character in the South, who's a child in the first grade commentating on the two actual characters in the book. I wish he just went all "Write whatever story you want, just keep it school appropriate." But oh well, can't always get what you want. :P

- ME2 << >> *is not a project, but will eat my time too*

- Catching up on some late work (technically it's not late, I was absent a bit last week because I felt horrible, downright horrible and was contagious anyway, so I have an extended deadline).


Sidenote: I really do not like how people seem to stop on the stairs that are being flooded with people, or in the middle of an unmoving hallway just to chat with someone randomly. I'd appreciate it a looot more if they took their convo off to the side so I could get to class on time. It's also annoying when someone runs right into you and then make some snarky comment. Yes, there are some people Spink would like torment... maybe torment is a bit strong, but... yeah.


I also don't like it when people don't look both ways when they cross the street. It's like, if you're planning to walk through a busy drive-thru you LOOK BOTH WAYS, or risk getting ran over and mauled. Some people don't seem to get that, even after the large amount of tragedies last year, which makes me sad, cuz they apparently don't care about their well-being ;-; (It's even more annoying when they decide to make rude hand gestures, and it is those times where I would like to smack one of them over the head).


Now what else can I talk/rant about....


Oh, right.


EDIT: Also, since I work on it; RPG LIVE --- Post your comments/opinions and the like in the linked topic. It'd be great to get some feedback on the idea, even though we have yet to put up an episode (Episode to be put up on Friday sometime, starts at 6PM EST).

You're all so amazing and incredible and hugs need to go all around <3


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Hugs! <3 *hug*


At least you have more interesting choices for English-related classes... I just have the standard English classes per grade until Junior or Senior year. ;-;


yaaay Brickfair


My school has like thousands and thousands of students, so the hallways and stairwells are all flooded with people. It it very annoying indeed. Especially on the two floors that have cafeterias. ><


Speaking of gesticulation while crossed the street, I once raised my hand to tell a driver to stop as I was walking, and he stopped and took it as a greeting and waved to me. xP

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Speaking of gesticulation while crossed the street, I once raised my hand to tell a driver to stop as I was walking, and he stopped and took it as a greeting and waved to me. xP


Lol, I remember there was a bus driver who made the same misconception, and started to freak out when the kids crossed the street. Funny, to me at least :P

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